Slide Identification Quiz: Early Christian, Jewish, and Byzantine Art and Early Medieval Art
1. Title? 2. Medium? Hinton St. Mary Mosaic central panel of a Roman mosaic found at Hinton St Mary (Dorset, England) How is this work of art an example of syncretism? (Hint: pomegranate + Christ) Why is the wide-eyed stare (gaze) significant? What is the wide-eyed gaze a signifier of? What is the significance of the monogram behind the figure’s head? This mosaic is probably one of the oldest surviving depictions of Christ. It comes from a Roman villa in Dorset. Christ is portrayed as a fair-haired and clean-shaven man wearing a tunic and cloak. Behind his head are the letters chi (X) and rho (P), the first two letters of the Greek word for Christ - Christos. Christ's head is a part of a larger mosaic, also containing pagan elements. These include the Greek hero Bellerophon riding Pegasus and slaying the monstrous Chimera. When did the Roman Empire become Christian? In AD 312 the Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity and the religion began to spread freely throughout the Roman Empire. Britain was at that point a far-flung province of the empire that would be abandoned 100 years later. This mosaic may have come from a villa's dining room or house-church owned by one of Britain's long-established Roman aristocratic families. Combining Christian and pagan imagery was common in this period and Bellerophon slaying the monster may represent Christ's triumph over death and evil. 2
3. Title? 4. Medium? Baptism of Christ Baptistery of the Orthodox, Ravenna, Italy early 5th century How is this work of art an example of syncretism? the background has been transformed into the gold of paradise—naturalism has been sacrificed so that the image will communicate divinity notice the personification of the Jordan River—see the river god? 3
5. Title? 6. Medium? 7. Patron? Emperor Justinian and His Attendants c. 547 mosaic on the north wall of the apse, Church of San Vitale, Ravenna Italy How does this image authorize Emperor Justinian’s power? (Hint: what is he holding? Who is on his right? His left? What is on the shield? What does Justinian have around his head?—a crown and a halo!!!) At the foot of the apse side walls are two famous mosaic panels, executed in 548. On the right is a mosaic depicting the East Roman Emperor Justinian I, clad in purple with a golden halo, standing next to court officials, Bishop Maximian, palatinae guards and deacons. The halo around his head gives him the same aspect as Christ in the dome of the apse. Justinian himself stands in the middle, with soldiers on his right and clergy on his left, emphasizing that Justinian is the leader of both church and state of his empire. The gold background of the mosaic shows that Justinian and his entourage are inside the church. The figures are placed in a V shape; Justinian is placed in the front and in the middle to show his importance with Bishop Maximian on his left and lesser individuals being placed behind them. This placement can be seen through the overlapping feet of the individuals present in the mosaic.4 Another panel (not pictured) shows Empress Theodora solemn and formal, with golden halo, crown and jewels, and a train of court ladies. She is almost depicted as a goddess. As opposed to the V formation of the figures in the Justinian mosaic, the mosaic with Empress Theodora shows the figures moving from left to right into the church. Theodora is seen holding the wine. 4
8. Title of this building? 9. Location? Hagia Sophia 532-537 5
10. Title of this building? 11. Location? 6 St. Mark’s Cathedral c. 1063-1073 6
13. Title of the larger work in which one would find this panel? 12. Title of this panel? 13. Title of the larger work in which one would find this panel? 14. Patron? Temptation and Fall The Doors of Bishop Bernward made for the Abbey Church of Saint Michael 1015 Hildesheim, Germany Why is it significant that the apple Eve offers is almost identical to the shape of her breast? Why is it significant that the snake lurking in the tree appears almost identical to the limbs of the tree itself? How would you describe Eve’s posture? Is her “pose” significant?
15. Title of this panel? Expulsion from Paradise The Doors of Bishop Bernward made for the Abbey Church of Saint Michael Why is it significant the Eve’s looks back at the archangel Michael? What do Adam and Eve’s hand gestures signify? (Adam and Eve are aware they are naked—their gestures signify that they are FALLEN!) 1015 Hildesheim, Germany
17. Title of the larger work in which one would find this panel? 16. Title of this panel? 17. Title of the larger work in which one would find this panel? 18. Patron? Magdeburg Ivories 962-968 How does this image authorize Otto I’s power? How does this image demonstrate hierarchical proportions? For the decoration of the Magdeburg Cathedral, Otto the Great had a group of ivory plaques made in Milan. They were all once part of the same object - either an antependium, a bishop's throne, or a pulpit - that Otto donated for the newly built cathedral. It is likely that the occasion of the donation was the raising of Magdeburg to an archbishopric in 968. They are wonderful to look at, because they are intended to instruct, report, and remind the viewer of key events or lessons from the New Testament. These ivories are also used by Otto the Great as a way to authorize his power as Christ’s secular representative.
19. Title of this panel? Raising of Lazarus from Magdeburg Ivories 962-968 How does this image demonstrate hierarchical proportions? What later biblical event does the Raising of Lazarus “foreshadow?” For the decoration of the Magdeburg Cathedral, Otto the Great had a group of ivory plaques made in Milan. They were all once part of the same object - either an antependium, a bishop's throne, or a pulpit - that Otto donated for the newly built cathedral. It is likely that the occasion of the donation was the raising of Magdeburg to an archbishopric in 968. They are wonderful to look at, because they are intended to instruct, report, and remind the viewer of key events or lessons from the New Testament. These ivories are also used by Otto the Great as a way to authorize his power as Christ’s secular representative.
21. These there illuminated letters are drawn on what type of surface? 20. In what larger text can this page from the Book of Matthew be found? 21. These there illuminated letters are drawn on what type of surface? . Book of Matthew, chapter one, verse eighteen from The Book of Kells late 8th or early 9th century oxgall inks and pigments on vellum How does this work of art show the influence of Celtic design motifs? Note the influence of Celtic design motifs on Early Medieval Illumination animal style ribbon interlace interlace patterns
23. Title of the larger work in which one would find this page? 22. Title of this page? 23. Title of the larger work in which one would find this page? 24. Patron? Page with Christ in Majesty Book of Mark, Godescalc Evangelistary 781-783 ink, gold, colors on vellum
25. Why is St. Mark speaking to a lion? 26. Why does the lion have a halo? Page with Mark the Evangelist Book of Mark, Godescalc Evangelistary 781-783 ink, gold, colors on vellum
28. Title of the larger work in which one would find this page? 27. Title of this page? 28. Title of the larger work in which one would find this page? 29. Patron? Page with Matthew the Evangelist Book of Matthew Ebbo Gospels, c. 816-35 Smarthistory: Saint Matthew from the Ebbo Gospel
31. Title of the larger work in which one would find this page? 30. Title of this page? 31. Title of the larger work in which one would find this page? 32. Patron? Christ Washing the Feet of His Disciples Aachen Gospels of Otto III c. 1000 What does the architectural form behind Christ represent?