MARINE ORNAMENTAL FISHES Dr.B.AHILAN, Ph.D Associate Professor Dept. of Aquaculture Fisheries College and Research Institute Thoothukudi
Ornamental sponges Clathria Bowl sponge neptune's cup sponge Red sponge, Amphimedeon
IMPORTANT FAMILIES Acanthuridae :12 species Balistidae : 8 Scaridae : 9 Labridae : 6 Syngnathidae : 6 Chaetodontidae : 15 Haemulidae : 3 Pomacanthidae : 3
IMPORTANT FAMILIES contd.. Triacanthidae : 3 species Monacanthidae : 2 Scorpaenidae : 2 Theraponidae : 2 Diodontidae : 1 Caesionidae : 1 Dasyatidae : 1 Grammastidae : 1 (Pogonoperca punctata) Malacanthidae : 1 Zanculidae : 1
Families contd… Ostracidae (Tetrasomus, Lactaria) Tetradontidae Food fishes / not considered as ornamentals Lutjanidae Serranidae (Epinephelus group) Siganidae Nemipteridae Mullidae
Syngnathidae Pipe fishes and seahorses Small in size Pipe fishes: long and slender with bony exterior Seahorses: Horse like;brood pouch in male Pectoral, anal and caudal fins absent Feed - zooplankton, copepods, isopods and amphipods Seahorse four species(Lipton, 1996) Hippocampus kuda, H. fuscus, H. trimaculatus, (H. histrix), H. spinifera Schedule 1 of Wild Life Protection Act
Hippocampus kuda
Scorpion fishes Mostly venomous Most popular aquariculture sp About 30cm Color red, brown or gray Feed - crabs and small fishes Nocturnal Pterois volitans
Pterois volitans-red lion fish
Pseudochromidae Small Lives under boulders Pseudochromis and Acanthochromis
Chaetodontidae World wide 113 sp Feed - coral, algae, small benthic invertebrates Monogamy Chaetodon, Heniochus Small buoyant eggs Hatching 24-48 hrs
Chaetodon collare
Pomacanthidae Angel fishes Stout backward projecting spine on the lower edge of operculum Centropage- small in size - <8cm- Feed algae Form harems of single dominant male and several females Pomacanthus relatively larger- 40-45cm Feed-sponge supplemented with algae, tunicates Monogamous P. annularis, P. imperator
Pomacanthus annularis
Pomacanthus semicirculatus
Pomacentridae Damsel fishes- anemone fishes The tentacles touch, poison, and kill fish except for the clown fish. Protects the clown fish from predators. Chromis - Guards a small plot of turf for feeding Abudefduf Amphiprion: 100- 500 eggs deposited on firm substrate Parental care-guards the egg Egg predation-wrasses and butterfly fishes
Amphiprion clarkii
Amphiprion sebae
Chromis sp
Abudefduf sexfasciatus
Clown fish in anemones
Labridae Wrasses Iniistius [Xyrichthys], Thalassoma , Coris Eats eggs of damsel fish Omnivorous Feed-crabs, shrimps, Polychaetes, Zooplankton Harem found in Labroides - single dominant male followed by several females
Iniistius pavo
Coris formosa
Scaridae Parrot fishes Fussed jaw teeth Feed - coral polyps Scarus gibbus
Chlorurus gibbus (Scarus gibbus)
Gobiidae World species exceed 1600 Wide distribution- fw, estuarine, coral reefs Cryptocentrus obliquus-pink spot shrimp goby Omnivorous Easy to maintain Makes protective burrows Lays eggs in clusters-guard by parents Successfully bred
Cryptocentrus leptocephalus (C.obliquus)
Acanthuridae Surgeon fish Acanthurus, Naso, Zebrasoma Bony, knife like structure in the middle of the tail. Naso- two spines
Acanthurus leucosternon
Naso brevirostris
Zebrasoma veliferum
Balistidae Triggerfish Odonus niger - highly abundant Feeds- sea urchin, starfish,crabs and shrimps Size>30cm
Odonus niger
Balistoides viridescens
Zanculus cornutus Rare Species Bolbometopon muricatum Pogonoperca punctata Low population,- Low fecundity Coral destruction High natural mortality Predation
Zanculus cornutus
Porcuppine fish
Box fishes Ostracion
BREEDING METHODS Egg depositors : Clown fishes Mouth Brooder : Apogonids Pouch breeders : Sea horses Egg scatterers Problem in Breeding Breeding Successful - Sea horses, Anemone fishes, Chaetodon, Pseudochromis, Gobiosoma sp
BREEDING contd Technology not reliable or inefficient to sustain as an industry Srilanka- Natural collection and marketing for 50 sp India - Damselfish, Amphiprion sebae, A. chrysogaster, Hippocampus kuda Egg scatters are difficult to breed Butterfly fish, Angel fish, Wrasses -more difficult to raise Low fecundity Non availability of quality live feed Thermoregulation for breeding Daily checking of pairing
FISHERY Least exploited Gears Lift net Seine net Scoop net Traps Hand picking – skin divers Stupefying methods / icthyocides - cyanide, clove oil Crevice dwellers and Caverns- no specific fishing method
CHOOSING A RIGHT FISH FOR AQUARIUM Avoidance of sensitive sp Stocking compatible sp Less fish stock-easily feeding – Anemone fishes, Gobids Communal living (different type feeders) Stocking cheap varieties Segregating big predators (Grouper)