Location Map of Reno Basin showing stations and event locations. Feb-April Events May-July Events Location Map of Reno Basin showing stations and event locations.
Legend Highway Contour Line Station 2 4 km Legend Highway Contour Line Station 2 4 km Average station delay map showing the positive contours are just west of the Reno Basin. Contour interval 0.1 sec.
Legend Highway Contour Line Station 2 4 km Mode of station delay map showing the higher positive mode delays concentrated in the western part of the Reno Basin. Contour interval 0.05 sec.
Legend Station Verdi Basin 2 4 km Highway Contour Line Station 2 4 km Standard deviation map of Reno Basin. Contour interval 0.2 sec with a subsidiary contour at 0.05 sec. Contour 0.5 is removed to prevent from showing false maxima.