Global Imperialism 1800 - 1914
What is it and why did it develop? One country’s domination of the political, economic and social life of another country
Causes Nationalism European nations competed w/each other to build empires Larger empire = more power
Causes –cont- Industrial/Economic Industrial Revolution increased demand for raw materials New markets to sell goods New products to Europe
Causes –cont- Morality Spread Christianity to Africa and Asia Education
Causes –cont- Western superiority/ racism Social Darwinism = survival of the fittest Resources are limited
Causes –cont- The “White Man’s Burden” Obligation to spread superior Western civilization
Methods of Imperialism Made treaties with natives Bought land from another imperial nation Conquered by military force
Types of Imperialism Colony – territory that an imperial power ruled directly Portugal/Brazil; Britain/US Protectorate – territory that had its own government but officials of a foreign power guided its policies France/Cambodia; Britain/Afghanistan
Types –cont- Sphere of influence- region of a country in which an imperialist power had exclusive investment or trading rights China was divided into spheres of influence