Dr Rakesh Dubey Director Disaster Management Institute Bhopal
An effort to address the Why to do? What to do? How to do? What will the application? Who will be benefitted?
Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rule ( MSIHC ) – Preparation of On – Site Emergency Plan by the occupier. Details to be furnished as per Schedule – 11 Preparation of Off– Site Emergency Plan by the authorities as specified in Schedule 5 Details to be furnished as per Schedule – 12
Disaster Management Planning both on- site and off-site should be with following components: A. Risk Assessment & Management B. Emergency Preparedness C. Community Dialogue
Priority for the state of Manipur LPG, Propane ( under pressure in liquid phase) Ammonia ( under pressure/refrigeration in liquid phase) Chlorine ( under pressure in liquid phase )
Causality chain Emission Environmental distribution Exposure Effects MODELLING or MONITORING
Single source
Hazard identification Accident scenario development Fault tree development Quantitative hazard assessment Probabilistic hazard assessment Consequences analysis Fault tree analysis Risk estimation Whether risk is in acceptance? Suggest maintenance measures to control risk Apply maintenance measures and re- evaluate risk No End Yes Start Fault tree for the envisaged scenario What may go wrong? What would be the impacts? How it may go wrong? How likely its occurrence? What maintenance schedule would reduce its likelihood of occurrence?
Industrial Disaster Management Cycle: OECD
Part two Preparedness, Planning, Response
Risk related information can be delivered in a meaningful, cost effective and secure manner Key stakeholders should not be left out of the Risk communication network Dialogue & Follow up
Transport Sector
Key Points: RAIN! R ecognize A void I solate N otify What can I do?
Recognize Unusual Activity / Behavior Hazardous weather conditions Things out of place Unexplained liquids Strange smells Abnormal fogs or mists Suspicious Packages ?
Avoid What Do I Stay Away From? Dont assume anything Dont become a victim Dont rush in Dont TEST (Taste, Eat, Smell, Touch) The 4 Donts
Isolate Keep others away from hazard area
Notify Immediate Supervisor Hospital Emergency Phone Number Remember RAIN! Recognize, Avoid, Isolate, Notify
Administrative and technical control Worst example of regulatory compliance Best example for regulatory compliance October 21, 2010 at Hyderabad,
Administrative and engineering Engineering way No engineering arrangements for storing October 21, 2010 at Hyderabad,
Administrative /Engineering failure October 21, 2010 at Hyderabad,
Excercise October 21, 2010 at Hyderabad,
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