Title – sentence case, 60pt Helvetica, bold Author list, please use Firstname Lastname* * Departmental Affiliation Use this area for Introduction or Abstract, expand or delete as required. Use WHITE text, 36pt Helvetica, fully justified and non-bold (except for highlighting words) Do not use this area – leave blank and delete once poster is complete Text Box Title - Use 36pt Helvetica (bold) Main text – use 32pt Helvetica, non-bold Use UoB Red for bullet points – ensure text aligns to left edge on each line Use colour scheme as defined UoB Red rgb: 171 31 45 UoB Stone rgb: 190 185 166 Black White Use Two Column format Start second text box here Copy and paste these text boxes to keep the same formatting Replace the text as required Think about the visual impact of your poster Use clear easy to read text boxes Use relevant images or figures for key points Make sure font size in charts etc is readable Do not use this area – leave blank and delete once poster is complete