ANTICORRP WP 7 TI Activities Update


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Presentation transcript:

ANTICORRP WP 7 TI Activities Update Anticorrp 2nd Consortium Meeting, Berlin, October 2014

Work package 7: Individual values and motivations to engage against corruption Main question: >>What factors influence citizens to act against corruption individually and collectively?<<

TI-S research Social accountability research stocktake: what does existing research say Citizen survey in Europe: 30 country survey to be carried out by EBRD as part of LiTS 3 Focus on bribery experience, perceptions of corruption in key institutions, government performance in addressing corruption and attitudes/behaviour towards reporting corruption Boundary research: insights on political mobilisation from other disciplines Helpline data analysis + merge all research into expected Deliverables

TI National chapter research activities Focus group discussions – individual strategies of resistance Romania, Macedonia, BiH In-depth case studies – social accountability in action UK, Portugal Action experiments – impact of social accountability tools Lithuania, Montenegro

Bosnia, Romania and Macedonia Lithuania and Montenegro WP7 activity timeline Activity Who is responsible? 2014 2015 2016 Boundary research TI-S Citizen survey Helpline data analysis Focus group discussions Bosnia, Romania and Macedonia Stock-taking In-depth assessment Portugal and UK Action research Lithuania and Montenegro March February January June January November March February January December December September February December

Academic article August 2016 WP7 Deliverables Citizen Action March 2016 Policy brief Research report Civil society/ Collective action June 2016 Stocktaking synthesis report Repository of case studies Academic article August 2016

Early results Working paper on crowdsourcing corruption Mini survey, case study synthesis, broad literature scan and online observation 3 major conventional challenges, 2 overlooked ones, 2 promising counter-strategies and 4 possible bold futures Some interesting stats: 60% 12,000 90% 11% 7% >> SSRN 60: share of people who report that they would be willing to report corruption 12,000: ushahidi crowdreporting platforms online 90% have less than 10 reports 11%: people who indicate they would be willing to report to independent organisation (rather than official hotline 7%: share of tech costs in much higher total price tag for running platform (content, editing, promotion)

Project lead – Dieter Zinnbauer, Key contacts Project coordination – Santhosh Srinivasan, Project lead – Dieter Zinnbauer, Project support – Marie Terracol, © 2014 Transparency International. All rights reserved.