By Camille Rasmussen and Hannah Powell Period 2 Susan B. Anthony By Camille Rasmussen and Hannah Powell Period 2
How Susan B. Anthony Effected History She devoted 50 years to help women get rights but never lived to see that happen She helped the 19th amendment pass to allow women to vote Because she felt so passionately for women getting their voice heard, I am able to vote when I turn 18
Susan B. Anthony “Men their rights and nothing more, women their rights and nothing less.” “There never will be complete equality until women themselves help to make laws and elect law makers.”
Where Would We be Without Her? Without her in history, women would probably have gotten their rights eventually, but thanks to her, I have someone to look up to and thank for my many privileges. We are so lucky to have someone to learn about who was such a fighter not only for her but for people like my friends and me.
Where Would We be Without Her? If we didn’t have people like Susan B. Athony, history would have been different because the amount of votes could have been altered, Hillary Clinton never would have been able so run for president, Condoleeza Rice never would have been in the government, Sarah Palin would have never ran with McCain, and all those other women who have had their voice heard would have been kept in silence.
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