Jean Parry Jones Tachwedd/November 2015


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Presentation transcript:

Jean Parry Jones Tachwedd/November 2015 Trafodwch sut mae polisïau a gweithdrefnau yn helpu plant, a’u teuluoedd tra bod plentyn yn derbyn gofal. Discuss how policies and procedures help children, young people and their families whilst the child is being looked after. Jean Parry Jones Tachwedd/November 2015

Mae gan bob Awdurdod Lleol bolisïau a gweithdrefnau i ddilyn pan fyddant yn credu bod plentyn neu berson ifanc mewn peryg o niwed. Mae rhain yn seiliedig ar ganllawiau o Ddeddf Plant 1989/2004 Each Local Authority has policies and procedures to follow when they believe a child or young person is at risk of harm. These are based on the guidance from the Children Act 1989/2004

Mae Byrddau Lleol Diogelu Plant yng Nghymru yn cyfeirio at Weithdrefnau Amddiffyn Plant Cymru Gyfan. Local Safeguarding Children’s boards in Wales refer to the All Wales Child Protection Procedures for guidance.

Mae’r cyfeirio cyntaf yn cael ei wneud i dîm diogelu staff yr awdurdod lleol. Mae’n bosib y cyflwynir y canlynol: Gorchymyn Diogelu Brys – i symud plentyn ar unwaith i le diogel. The initial referral is made to the LA child protection team. The following may be issued: Emergency Protection Order-to immediately remove a child to a place of safety.

Mae’n bosib y cyhoeddir gorchymyn gwahardd i symud y person sy’n cam-drin o gartref y teulu. Gellir cyhoeddi gorchymyn asesu plentyn fel bod gweithiwr cymdeithasol yn asesu anghenion y plentyn os nad ydy’r rhieni neu’r gofalwyr yn cytuno iddynt wneud. An exclusion order may be issued to remove the abuser from the family home. A child assessment order can be issued so that a children's social worker can assess the child's needs if the parents' or carers' won't give consent for them to do so.

Symud gan yr heddlu Gall yr heddlu symud plentyn i le diogel hyd at 72 awr heb gael gorchymyn llys Os nad ydy’r plentyn mewn peryg ar unwaith dylid gwneud asesiad cyn gynted â phosib, ond rhaid iddo gael ei gwblhau o fewn saith diwrnod i’r cyfeirio Removal by police The police can remove a child to a place of safety for up to 72 hours without obtaining a court order. Unless the child is in immediate danger an assessment should be carried out as soon as possible, but must be completed within 7 working days of the referral.

Dim camau pellach. Os nad yw’r plentyn wedi cael niwed ac nid yw’n cael ei ystyried mewn peryg mawr, mae’n bosib y penderfynir nad oes angen gweithredu ymhellach. Gellir cynnig cymorth ychwanegol i’r plentyn a’r teulu er enghraifft, rhaglen magu plant. No further action. If the child hasn't been harmed and isn't considered to be at risk of significant harm, it may be decided that there doesn't need to be any further child protection action. The child and their family may be offered additional support, such as a parenting programme, instead.

Plentyn Mewn Angen Child in need Os penderfynir bod y plentyn angen mwy o gefnogaeth oddi wrth y gwasanaethau cymdeithasol, daw yn blentyn mewn angen yn swyddogol. If it's decided that the child is in need of further support from social services, they will officially become a child in need.

Asesiad Adran 47/Section 47 assessment Os ydy’r asesiad cychwynnol yn awgrymu y gall y plentyn fod mewn peryg yna bydd arbenigwyr proffesiynol sy’n gweithio gyda’r teulu yn penderfynu os oes angen asesiad adran 47. Os gwneir y penderfyniad i wneud ymchwiliad cynhelir asesiad craidd. If the initial assessment suggests that the child may be at risk of significant harm then the professionals who work with the family will decide if there should be a section 47 assessment. If the decision is made to go ahead with an enquiry there will be a core assessment.

Asesiad Craidd Core assessment Golyga asesiad craidd bod y gweithiwr cymdeithasol yn casglu mwy o wybodaeth oddi wrth y plentyn, rhieni, aelodau o’r teulu a phobl broffesiynol eraill. Os ydy’r asesiad craidd yn cadarnhau gofidion ynglŷn â’r plentyn cynhelir cynhadledd diogelu plentyn. A core assessment involves the social worker gathering more information from the child, parents, family members and other professionals. If the core assessment confirms concerns about a child, a child protection case conference will be held.

Cynhadledd achos Case conferences Cynhelir cynhadledd achos os yw’r plentyn mewn peryg sylweddol, fel y gall yr holl bobl broffesiynol perthnasol yn gallu rhannu gwybodaeth, nodi’r peryglon ac amlinellu’r hyn sydd angen ei wneud i ddiogelu’r plentyn. Pwy sydd yn y gynhadledd achos: Asiantaethau fel y gwasanaethau cymdeithasol, yr heddlu a’r gwasanaethau iechyd Pobl sy’n gweithio fwyaf gyda’r plentyn a’r teulu fel ysgol y plentyn a’r meddyg teulu Y teulu Y plentyn, lle bo’n briodol A case conference is held if the child is at risk of significant harm, so that all of the relevant professionals can share information, identify risks and outline what needs to be done to protect the child. Who's involved in a case conference: Agencies such as social services, the police and health services People who have the most involvement working with the child and family, such as the child's school and the family GP Family members The child, when appropriate

Os yw’r awdurdod lleol yn credu bod plentyn mewn peryg efallai y byddant yn penderfynu bod angen rhoi’r plentyn mewn gofal i’w gadw yn ddiogel. Os nad yw’r lefel risg yn galw am ymyrraeth gan y llys bydd gweithdrefnau gofal ond yn dechrau ar ôl ymdrechion dwys i gadw’r plentyn gyda’r teulu. Os ydy’r ymdrechion hyn yn methu gwahoddir y rhieni i gyfarfod cyn yr achos mewn ymdrech derfynol i geisio osgoi mynd i’r llys. If the local authority believes that a child is at risk of significant harm they may decide that it's necessary to take the child into care to help keep them safe. Unless the level of risk requires the courts to get involved immediately, care proceedings will only start after extensive efforts to keep the child with their family. If these efforts have failed then the parents will be invited to a pre-proceedings meeting as a final attempt to avoid going to court.

Gall y llys lunio gorchymyn yn rhoi cyfrifoldeb am blentyn i’r awdurdod lleol os y cytunir bod rhaid. If the courts agree that it's necessary, they can make an order giving the local authority parental responsibility for a child.

Mynd i’r Llys Going to court Cynhelir achosion gofal fel arfer yn y llys teulu ac achosion mwy cymhleth yn yr Uchel Lys. Bydd y llys hwn yn sicrhau bod gan y plentyn warcheidwad. Nod y gwarcheidwad yw gofalu am fuddiannau’r plentyn. Os bernir bod y plentyn yn ddigon aeddfed caiff benodi ei gyfreithiwr ei hun i’w gynrychioli. Gall gweithiwr cymdeithasol y plentyn wneud cynllun gofal i helpu’r llys i benderfynu sut y dylid gofalu am y plentyn. Care proceedings are usually held in the Family Court and more complex cases may be held in the High Court. The court will make sure the child has a children's guardian. The guardian's job is to look after the child's interests. If the child is judged to be mature enough they will also be allowed to appoint their own solicitor to represent their wishes. The child's social worker will make a care plan to help the court decide how the child should be cared for.

Cynlluniau Gofal Care plans Cyn i blentyn fod mewn gofal bydd yr awdurdod lleol yn creu cynllun ar gyfer gofal y plentyn. Dylai’r rhieni a’r plentyn fod yn rhan o’r cynllun gofal (fe’i elwir yn ‘child plan’ yn yr Alban.) Dylai’r cynllun ddangos sut y bydd anghenion y plentyn yn cael eu hateb mewn gofal, yn cynnwys iechyd, addysg a chyswllt â’r teulu. Before a child is taken into care the local authority will produce a plan for the future care of the child. The parents and the child should be involved in developing the care plan (also known as a child plan in Scotland). The plan should show how the child’s needs would be met in care, including their health, education and contact with family members.

What's considered during a case conference: Beth sy’n cael ei ystyried yn ystod cynhadledd achos: Gwybodaeth cefndirol am y teulu Canfyddiadau o’r ymchwiliad diogelu plentyn Asesiadau parhaus Rhaid i’r gynhadledd achos cychwynnol ddigwydd o fewn 15 diwrnod gwaith o ddechrau’r asesiad adran 27. Os yw’r gweithwyr proffesiynol yn y gynhadledd achos yn penderfynu bod plentyn mewn peryg o niwed difrifol byddant yn ychwanegu’r plentyn i’r gofrestr amddiffyn plant, a llunio cynllun diogelu plentyn. Bydd cynadleddau achos yn parhau yn gyson hyd nes ni ystyrir y plentyn mewn peryg o niwed difrifol neu ei fod mewn gofal. What's considered during a case conference: Background information about the family Findings from the child protection investigation Ongoing assessments The initial case conference must happen within 15 working days from the start of the section 47 assessment. If professionals at the initial case conference decide a child is at risk of significant harm they will add the child to the child protection register, and draw up a child protection plan. Case conferences will continue at regular intervals until the child is no longer considered at risk of significant harm or until they are taken into care.