7th Continual Improvement & Innovation Symposium 2015 CASE STUDY COMPETITION: BEST PRACTICE MANAGEMENT TEMPLATE [ Name of the Company ] [ Best Practice Title ]
BRIEF Brief about the best practice giving an overview
OBJECTIVE What was the rationale /purpose for introducing this Best practice What were the objectives of this Best practice
STRUCTURED PROCESS How is / are the process/processes defined? Plan/method used for deployment
DEPLOYMENT Since how long this has been practiced in the organization ? What is the extent of deployment (i.e. whole organization / relevant areas / pilot areas) Timeline of Implementation
LEARNING What are the learning from the best practice During the Implementation phase During Sustainment
BENCHMARKING Benchmarking with other organization practicing similar Best practice Learning from Benchmarking
REFINEMENT What refinements were made based on internal and external learning?
BENEFITS / RESULTS Benefits of the Best practice Outcome results Financial Non-financial Trend of results Comparison of results How will the results sustain?
Q & A