Building an Enriched Vocabulary Lesson 13
Lesson 13 Vocabulary Dilapidated Discourse Divulge Dilatory Discriminate Docile Diligent Disparage Dormant Dire Disparity Drastic Discomfit Distraught Duplicity
Fallen into disrepair or partial ruin, usually through neglect. Dilapidated Adjective Definition: Fallen into disrepair or partial ruin, usually through neglect.
Inclined to put things off, intended to postpone something. Dilatory Adjective Definition: Inclined to put things off, intended to postpone something.
Hardworking; thorough and persistent. Diligent Adjective Definition: Hardworking; thorough and persistent.
Dire Definition: Dreadful or disastrous; bleak or cheerless. Urgent Adjective Definition: Dreadful or disastrous; bleak or cheerless. Urgent
Discomfit Verb Definition: To defeat or frustrate completely To perplex, confuse, or embarrass completely.
Discourse Noun and Verb Definition: Noun: An oral exchange of ideas or conversation; a lengthy discussion, either written or spoken. Verb: To talk about or discuss in length.
Discriminate Definition: Verb Definition: To distinguish between two or more things, often by perceiving minute differences. To behave unfairly toward a person or group because of prejudice.
To speak slightly of or undervalue. Disparage Verb Definition: To speak slightly of or undervalue.
Difference or inequality, as of age, character, or quality. Disparity Noun Definition: Difference or inequality, as of age, character, or quality.
Deeply distressed or agitated. Distraught Adjective Definition: Deeply distressed or agitated.
To make known; to make public. Divulge Verb Definition: To make known; to make public.
Easy to manage, teach, train, or discipline; easygoing. Docile Adjective Definition: Easy to manage, teach, train, or discipline; easygoing.
Inactive, as if in sleep; suspended in use, growth, or development. Dormant Adjective Definition: Inactive, as if in sleep; suspended in use, growth, or development.
Violently forceful and swift; extreme. Drastic Adjective Definition: Violently forceful and swift; extreme.
Deliberate deception in speech or conduct. Duplicity Noun Definition: Deliberate deception in speech or conduct.