Academic Career Abdalla Gamal Abdalla Teaching Assistant Scientific Computing Department Ain Shams University
Guess Who Albert Einstein
Guess Who Albert Einstein
Guess Who Isaac Newton
Guess Who Ahmed Zewail
Guess Who John Von Neumann
Guess Who Bjarne Stroustrup
Guess Who Linus Torvalds
Guess Who Alan Turing
Academic Career Importance Nation Development Why do you think we are a “Developing” Country Top 500 Universities ? We have 1 !!!!! Human Development When is will the time to live on the moon come? Power Could they really use satellites to see the color of my.. eyes? Market The #1 interview question : where did you graduate from? Here we should mention how the academic is effective on the nation side: Show how the a developed country has more research and academia than other under development countries (Say Some Statistics) Illustrate how without research the quality of life would have been different . What would we do without (Cars, Airplanes ,TVs , Computers, Google, Newton ) Discuss how the modern warfare depends on science more than pure human power.( Heat seeking rockets, Developers of today are students of yesterday. University help keeping and distributing knowledge among people. They pass the basic science from the generation to generation and add more to the science.
The Wrong Reasons The Image Academic Titles Teaching So you and Zewail where high school friends? Academic Image VS Other Career Image Academic Titles Mr. Professor Dr. Eng. General. Multi Master/PhD Zewail Einstein Teaching Really!!!!! The image of an academic person is always associated with respect and the high look. It usually gives good prestige in the society. <give a story> This is not a good reason to join the academia. If you want to be famous or looked to in high look , you can join politics or become an actor or a singer. <give comparison between images> Academic titles are given at certain career path points. Some people have 5 masters and 2 PhDs. Did they have them because they wanted to brag about them and wanted to have them in their resumes or they actually liked researching in certain fields and got their degrees along the way. Actually sometimes there are professors who teach not only undergraduate but also postgraduate courses who do not have a PhD. Though they still supervise masters and PhD students. No one knew Zoweil when he got the PhD , they knew him when he got the Nobel Price. No one says “Prof Dr Einstein” thought we all know what Einstein did. Some people join the career for teaching only. Academic Career is not just about teaching. Teaching is a side dish to what they should be doing. Usually people have a lot of experience researching a certain field. Then they teach the basics of the field to others. The thing the career is really about is …..
The Right Reasons Research Internet makes research easier New Ideas Investigation Formal Methods Internet makes research easier Love your research What is successful research * Academic career is all about research. Generating new ideas and properly investigating them and then putting them in a formal way. Some people have great ideas but it doesn’t come out to light because they can’t write them down formally . Some people have published papers about small issues just because they were actually able to write them down properly. Some get the idea but do not do enough investigation. Their ideas may be wrong and may be right. But no one will ever know. * Research is now much easier than in the past . You don’t need advanced labs to do research . Internet made it much easier now to do the investigation. Some people research the internet. In some fields, a researcher can use simulation software. Some people research simulation software. * Most successful researchers don’t just do research because it’s the only job they can do or because it brings good money. Mainly because they like introducing new ideas to the world.
What’s in it for me? Maybe and Maybe Not Does research bring good money? Does teaching bring a lot of money? Do people get better jobs after they get their PhD? Can I build a business based on my research? Does every girl meet her prince charming and they live happily ever after ? Maybe and Maybe Not
Research & Development International
Cairo Microsoft Innovation Center Research Center Hiring CMIC Academic Grants Program
I Don’t Think I Can Studying and Reading any more Teach That’s not everything Teach You are doing it Know a lot of technologies Would you really need them? What if they are technology specific? Here we discuss how a lot of people think that academic career is all about studying and reading. Well, it definitely include studying and reading but it’s not about that . You are not going to spend the rest of your life taking courses and remembering paragraphs by the heart . People remember stuff because they practice it a lot not because they read it well. You will read but for the sake of research not for the sake of pure studying. And so you will read if you join any other career path and you want to be successful with it. For people who think they can’t teach. What will you do when you have a child ? You will teach him basic life stuff . We are very good at teaching basics because they are taken for granted. So is how teaching should be in the academic career. Researchers do a lot of research about advanced stuff , they only teach what they consider basics and practice in their every day life. Not knowing a lot of technologies doesn’t really mean that you will not fit for the academic career. Many academics know few technologies and build great researches. However, if your research is technology relevant, you will need to cover all the asecpts that affect your research in this technology. Example:- if you are researching parallel computing , you should know about current parallel architectures like GPUs
quicksort=: (($:@(<#[) , (=#[) , $:@(>#[)) ({~ ?@#)) ^: (1<#) I Don’t Think I Can Be a genius You don’t need to be How do you know you are not a genius? Code Not all researchers are geniuses . And you don’t really know if you are not a genius. May be you are but you haven’t found out yet. Not being fluent in a specific programming language doesn’t necessarily mean that you won’t fit in research in another programming language. You can do research in functional , symbolic or logic programming language. quicksort=: (($:@(<#[) , (=#[) , $:@(>#[)) ({~ ?@#)) ^: (1<#)
Academia Is About Passion Studying Creativity Patience Teaching
Market VS Academia Your Choice Where do you see your self in 5, 10 , 20 years? Bad Academia VS Good Market Bad Market VS Good Academia
Conclusion No Academics = No Progress = No Sunlight Academia is about research. You will do studying and teaching, but that is not all. Research always will lead you to success. Sometimes, research can lead to a lot money and fame.
Thank You Questions!!