Tune: How Firm A Foundation


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Presentation transcript:

Tune: How Firm A Foundation

Tune: How Firm A Foundation

Tune: How Firm A Foundation

4. The Lord ev - er pre - sent be - fore me I keep Tune: How Firm A Foundation 4. The Lord ev - er pre - sent be - fore me I keep He stands at my right hand; I shall not be moved

My glo - ry re - joi - ces, my heart is made glad; And al - so my flesh will live safe - ly at ease.

5. For You’ll not a - ban - don my soul to the grave, Tune: How Firm A Foundation 5. For You’ll not a - ban - don my soul to the grave, Your God - ly One You will pre-serve from de - cay.

Life’s path You will show me; full joy is with You; Your right hand holds plea-sures for me ev - er - more.