Doing Paper work AUSTEUR APPTP Module 5 Learning Outcomes:


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Presentation transcript:

Doing Paper work AUSTEUR APPTP Module 5 Learning Outcomes: The Teacher Aides understand the importance of doing paper work and how this supports school systems They know attention to detail is important as is the timely submission of returns There is paper work that relates to employment and paperwork that relates to learning. Both are important Note to trainer This module is very important because a good understanding of effective paperwork can mitigate a lot of problems. It is useful to look at examples in context and to use scenarios that people will be familiar with.

Meta Statements The school, like all schools, runs on paper work such as time sheets. It is important that I get my paper work in. I understand that I have an employment contract. I know my role and I also know what is expected off me. I often help students and their family with paper forms. The teacher shares the planning with me. School systems are clear and consistent and they are spelt out for everyone. The goals of the school are clear to me. I know what the school is trying to achieve.

The school runs on paper work such as time sheets. It is important Explanation The school that you work in is a large and complex system. There are a number of critical systems that operate within the wider organization. Role marking, the pay roll system, the health and safety of children and workers and the child protection system are just a few of the critical systems. As a para – professional how can you ensure that you do your bit to ensure these systems work to every ones advantage. Demonstration/Practice One very important system is the assignment of tasks to you. Task Assignment –Specific Role Description (SRD) Task Have a look at the CPQQRT model for task assignment.   Context: The SRD has been reviewed and revised to more accurately reflect the work of staff. Purpose: Clarify the SRD accountabilities and performance indicators Quantity: All of your team members Quality: Includes Use team leader steps: Explain the SRD’s system’s context and purpose (including the constraints) The SRD ‘purpose’ is understood - see notes The word ‘accountability’ is understood – see notes The relationship between the accountabilities and performance indicators is understood – see notes Staff read the SRD notes before reading the SRD Encourage contributions, identify critical issues Decide and articulate planned action Resources Time: SRD Notes SRD Purpose: Clearly articulate the Key Accountabilities of the role including associated Performance Indicators for the current year Accountability: In this context the word means ‘each team member giving an account, talking to their leader about the work they are doing, have done, to achieve each of the accountabilities in their SRD’. Fundamental principles underpinning giving an account include: The leader has the capability to add value to the work that the team member is doing, is going to do; and The leader can analyse the account relative to alignment of all team members work in achieving the teams purpose The relationship between the Accountabilities and the Performance Indicators: These two aspects, the Accountability and its Performance Indicator/s provide the boundaries for: The team member to articulate the work that they have been doing or are going to do between these 2 boundaries; and The leader to seek and provide clarity about the work the team member is doing or going to do; so that The leader can provide constructive feedback.

It is important that I get my paper work in There are many occasions where you are required to submit paper work. Lets make a list.

I understand I have an employment contract Explanation Teacher Aides as part of the workforce have an employment contract. Demonstration/Practice The school must ensure that the Teacher Aide/AEW understand fully the duties and entitlements that come with signing the employment contract. Induction hand book is copied here

I know my role Explanation The role of the teacher aide is a complex and changing one. High expectations are now being placed on the children, the staff and also on the teacher aides. Demonstration/Practice As part of the induction of the teacher aide, the teacher aide is taken through the description of the role provided at and

I help students and their family with paper forms. Explanation Paper work is an essential aspect of bureaucratic modernity. However, literacy levels can be low in communities because of the absence of schooling. The consequence is that paper work can be very difficult for community member. School children too must fill in forms. This is an area where the school can provide a service for the community Demonstration/Practice The school develops a policy of teaching children what the common forms are and what their function is and how they are to be filled in. this teaching emphasizes real life practice. A similar service is advertised in the school newletter and offered to the community.

The teacher shares the planning with me. Explanation As has been emphasized throughout these modules, the ideal is a smooth running partnership between the teacher and the teacher aide. This too will have a “paper work” dimension. Demonstration/Practice The planning between the teacher and the teacher aide will include an emphasis on the successful completion of the essential paper work. Where necessary the teacher will take a proactive role and provide scaffolding assistance to the teacher aide

School systems are clear and consistent Explanation The efficient running of all schools depends upon the efficiency of the systems that are in place. A school is only as good as its systems. Demonstration/Practice Thee needs to be an audit of all the systems that directly effect the teacher aide. These must be listed and explained to the teacher aide and she or he must have the opportunity to practice and master them. It is important that it is made clear to the teacher aide what she or he is expected to do in difficult circumstances.

The goals of the school are clear to me. Explanation As has been repeatedly stressed throughout these modules, the Indigenous teacher aide is a vital member of the school team. Demonstration/Practice As a member of the school team the teacher aide should be provided with the opportunity to be a participant in the planning for and the formation of the mission and goals of the school.