Station 1 Review government during reconstruction PPT. Create a graphic organizer of visual depicting the plans for reconstructing, differences between Lincoln/Johnson and the Radical Republicans and or the end of Reconstruction As a group, go through each of the 16 MC Regents questions and discuss your answers Come to a consensus on which answers you believe are correct @ 8 minutes ask Mrs. Argus for answer sheet
Sharecropping 2 Read pgs 97-99 in Document book together Only after reading together, complete note sheet HOMEWORK : TEES paragraph
#3 Freedman Bureau (SmartBoard) View Examine Define Use Orange textbook to describe the Freedman’s Bureau p. 414 Create a Headline advertising the Freedman’s Bureau (2 per group)
#4 Black codes Read through examples of black Codes View images and quotes Discuss Why were Black Codes implemented? How did Black Codes dehumanize African Americans? Create a group tweet responding to one of the most shocking of these codes.
#5 Voting Limitations Look through documents, and textbook to describe Grandfather Clause Poll Tax Literacy Test TACOS Cartoons as a group Each student take Literacy test to see if you would have been able to vote in Louisiana (test undated sometime between 1905 – 1950). Would you have been able to vote? Answer with your name on post it note and put on wall
#6 KU KLUX KLAN View evidence on KKK history including robe-catalog#.dtdpqRZELJ Pictures Pamphlet Read KKK pamphlet and identify one of their ideals and respond to the idea.