Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society Intermediate Course Propagation Revision
Mode of Propagation 1/ An amateur is in contact with a station in New York on the 15 metre band, the normal expected mode of propagation will be; Ground Wave Line of sight Sky wave Via a satellite
VHF 2/ An amateur is having a VHF SSB QSO from the Essex coast to a station located in Holland. The air pressure is High, what is the probable propagation mode; Line of sight Sky wave Ground wave Tropospheric Ducting
Ionosphere 3/ The main four layers in the ionosphere are labeled in order of increasing height. Which is the correct increasing height sequence; F2, F1, E, D F1, F2, D, E E, D, F1, F2 D, E, F1, F2
HF-1 4/ On listening on 10 Metres in the early summer months you hear a QSO taking place between a station in located in Holland and a station located in Switzerland. The most probable propagation mode is; Sky wave Sporadic E Line of sight Ground Wave
HF-2 5/ On HF, the area between the point of transmission and the First point of the signal returning via the ionosphere is known as; The sky wave zone The skip zone The ground wave distance The first hop point.