Current activities WG2-SG3 Urban Emissions and Projections FAIRMODE Current activities WG2-SG3 Urban Emissions and Projections Kjeller, 14th September 2010 Rafael Borge and Julio Lumbreras
SG3 objectives To identify and minimize errors and uncertainties involved in emissions and scenarios used in air quality models To provide guidelines or suggestions that may help to reach the model quality objectives (MQO) To discuss specific issues related to scenario development Make use of relevant information from existing procedures, projects and working groups, i.e. TFEIP-EMEP/EEA air pollutant emission inventory book
General approach A. Analysis of standards and methodologies B. Estimation of uncertainties in emission inventories E. Particular requirements of emission scenarios Directive 2008/50/EC (AQD) C. Estimation of uncertainties in emission scenarios D. Estimation of uncertainties in emissions and emission projections preparation for modelling F. Suggestion of standards / guidelines for the AQD
Outcome of the 2nd FAIRMODE plenary meeting: Urban emission compilation is a key issue at European level Emission Inventories and Scenarios Urban Emissions and Projections Both guidance and relevant exchange fora are needed Links to TFEIP/EIONET, GEIA, JRC-EDGAR and other SG Funding issues SG3 deliverable for 2010: Background document on the emission needs at local scale First draft available at FAIRMODE website (SG3_background_document_sep10_draft.pdf)
Introduction and scope Role of AQM in the AQ Directive Need and importance of different type of emission/projections Focus on the urban scale ?
2. Background Emission Inventory requirements for AQ modelling: Accuracy Spatial allocation Temporal allocation Chemical speciation Review of recent/ongoing activities Substantial knowledge / guidance (GHG mainly) Lack of general references / methods
3. Key issues for urban emission inventories (emission repressentativity) Methodology, transparency Harmonization and checks Completeness Approach to key sectors Adequate for AQM/application requirements Spatial and temporal resolution Uncertainty Documentation
- Scenarios and emission projections Consistency with the emission inventory Scenarios P&M consistency and uncertainty Documentation NO emissions. Baseline Vs Policy
Emission-related model quality objectives (MQO) Next steps: Formalization of the analysis / suggestions made during the first year of the subgroup Incorporation of the subgroup outputs in the review process of the AQD (horizon 2013)? Check-lists Benchmarks Best practices Emission-related model quality objectives (MQO)
Agenda for parallel session 1.-SG3 introductions and aims of the meeting 2.- Feedback on recent meetings: a) FAIRMODE session at HARMO-13 b) NIAM meeting Laxemburg/IIASA c) PEP meeting Larnaca 3.- Update on expert contributions 4.- Discussion on draft guidelines for urban inventories and projections 5.- Define work plan 6.- Any other business Thank you for your attention! 11