Putting It All Together Emily, McKenzie, Anne Guerry, Heather Tallis
How much money do we need to invest? Decision Maker: Water fund secretariat InVEST: Assess 20 scenarios with one model Additional Analyses: -Scenario generation -Zonal stats: total service/watershed/scenario -Graphed in Excel
How much money do we need to invest? Decision Maker: Water fund secretariat InVEST: Assess 20 scenarios with one model Additional Analyses: -Scenario generation -Zonal stats: total service/watershed/scenario -Math in Excel -Graphed in Excel
Who will be impacted? Decision Maker: InVEST: Additional Analyses: Minister of Environment InVEST: Assess 6 scenarios with two models Additional Analyses: -Scenario generation -Serviceshed delineation (overlapping watersheds) -Simple map math -Zonal stats Cities impacted after mitigation Cities potentially impacted by proposed mining
Who will be impacted? Decision Maker: InVEST: Additional Analyses: None specified InVEST: Assess ~10 scenarios with one model Additional Analyses: Scenario generation Some pre-processing of census data etc Summary statistics of outputs
Where should we allow development? Decision Maker: Minister of Environment InVEST: Assess 6 scenarios with two models Additional Analyses: -Scenario generation -Serviceshed delineation (overlapping watersheds) -Simple map math -Zonal stats High Low Ranking of proposed mine block impact on 2 services, weighted for downstream population size
Where should we allow development? Decision Maker: State and Regional Governments InVEST: Assess current landscape with 5 models Additional Analyses: -Overlay maps Avoid development Allow development Encourage development Wang et al. 2009
Where should we allow development? Decision Maker: Coastal Zone Management Authority and Institute InVEST: Broad range of InVEST models** Additional Analyses: Mapping current uses Scenario generation Tables summarizing results across scenarios Spider diagrams for trade-offs Current Managed Unchecked