Changing Patterns: Objective: To compare family life of the past with the present
Homework You need to complete a mini survey into family life now and family life 40-50 years ago. You have to design a questionnaire with 10-15 questions on it and get as many teenagers and ‘grandparents’ to complete it. It needs to focus on family life in general. It could be roles in the home, family activities, parents, divorce, children, pets, leisure activities, behaviour etc. Due: Mon
Starter: Match the picture to the historical period Pre modern Modern Postmodern Feudal Industrial
Starter: Match the picture to the historical period Pre modern Modern Postmodern Feudal Industrial
Starter: Match the picture to the historical period Pre modern Modern Postmodern Feudal Industrial
A historical perspective How and why might families have changed to suit the changing times?
MASSIVE social change! The population of England and Wales trebled between 1700 (6 million) and 1851 (18 million).
Task For each time period. Guess which family type predominated.
Pre industrial society
Pre-industrial society Parsons (1959) and Goode (1963) argued that extended families were the norm because: Multi-functional All the members of the family had different roles Kinship-based common economic position so all worked together for the good of the family Economically productive employment outside the home was scarce Lack of geographical mobility No welfare system
A02 evaluation Pat Carlin Most households in Western Europe (1500-1700) were nuclear not extended because: Life expectancy (35-40) was very low (guess!) so most people didn’t live long enough to become grandparents! A02 Evaluation – life expectancy figure were biased. Can you guess why? High infant mortality rates inflated them.
Industrial society
Industrial society Parsons (1959) and Goode (1963) argued that nuclear families became the norm because: Geographic mobility – how did transport improve? Social mobility – how did opportunities improve?
A02 evaluation Michael Anderson (1995) No one family dominated Working classes developed extended families during industrialization to a shortage of housing; lack of state welfare; kinship nepotism; childcare Middle class tended to be nuclear because of the cost of education and need for mobility
A02 evaluation Hareven (1999): Extended family not the nuclear was the structure best equipped to meet the needs of early industrial society
Postmodern society
Postmodern society Willmott (1988) dispersed extended family “The age of the beanpole” Luscher (2000) “Ambivalence” Why do you think the family structure has changed since industrialization?
Plenary Spelling game! I will give you a term or sociologist from today and you have to spell it… Backwards. Without looking at your notes. Yes. Madness.