Transitional 150Sm88 : Octupole Deformed or Not ?


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Presentation transcript:

Transitional 150Sm88 : Octupole Deformed or Not ? Two Experiments: 1. 148Nd(α,2n)150Sm Eα = 25 MeV at Jyväskylä, Finland June 2009 2. 136Xe(18O,4n)150Sm E18O = 75 MeV at iThemba LABS, SA June 2009

J F Sharpey-Schafer, S P Bvumbi, P Papka, T E Madiba, PJones, R A Bark, L Bianco, D Curien, D Cullen, P E Garrett, P T Greenlees, R Julin, S Juutinen, E Khalee, A Korichi, E A Lawrie, J J Lawrie, S N T Majola, L P Masiteng, A Minkova, S M Mullins, P Nieminen, L L Riedinger, O Shirinda, J Simpson, J Timár University of Western Cape, South Africa. University of Zululand, South Africa. iThemba Laboratory for Accelerator Based Sciences, South Africa University of Stellenbosch, South Africa. JYFL, Jyväskylä, Finland. University of Guelph, Canada DRS-IPHC, Strasbourg, France CSNSM, Orsay, France INRNE, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria University of Tennessee, Tennessee, USA STFC Daresbury Laboratory, Warrington, UK ATOMKI, Debrecen, Hungary

152Gd88 Octupole Deformed ?? │02+> K=2- │01+> R R Chasman, PRL 42 (1979) 630 │02+> K=2- │01+> 152Gd88

Previous 150Sm Urban et al., Acta. Phys. Pol. B32 (2001) 2527 Phys. Lett. 185 (1987) 331 20+ 18+ 136Xe(18O,4n)150Sm 150Nd(α,4n)150Sm

1. 148Nd(α,2n)150Sm Eα = 25 MeV at Jyväskylä, Finland June 2009 JUROGAM: 24 “Clover” detectors in BGO shields near 90º to the beam direction → Pγ + 15 “large” HPGe in BGO shields. ~4 mg cm -2 thick 148Nd target (94% enriched) 2½ days gave 1.5 Tbyt data

JUROGAM at Jyväskylä

Air Conditioned Locked Digital Electronics

Susan Amel Siyabonga

from 148Nd(α,2n)150Sm reaction

2. 136Xe(18O,4n)150Sm E18O = 75 MeV at iThemba LABS, June 2009 AFRODITE: 8 “Clover” detectors in BGO shields 4 at 90º to the beam direction 4 at 135º to the beam direction ~3 mg cm -2 thick 136Xe target (99.8% enriched) Cryogenically frozen on to a liquid nitrogen cooled backing ( 1mm Cu covered with 20 mg cm -2 Bi) Xe freezes at 161K; Liquid Nitrogen boils at 63K. 4 days gave ~ 5.108 γγ coincidences

from 136Xe(18O,4n)150Sm reaction

156Dy from the K=2 γ-band ground state band aligned i13/2 band 2nd Gammasphere Data Nov. 2008 K=2 γ-band ground state band aligned i13/2 band 2nd vacuum 156Dy from the 148Nd(12C,4n)156Dy reaction Spin I ( ħ )

156Dy from the K=2 γ-band built on the aligned i13/2 band ground state 148Nd(12C,4n)156Dy reaction Spin I ( ħ )

Progress Report: 1. (α,2n) data from JUROGAM looks very good; need to do γγγ analysis. Should get DSAM lifetimes of high spin states from the (18O,4n) data. The decay scheme is unusually complex; it will need hard work to find the second vacuum and γ-vibrational states. No conclusion yet on Octupole deformation vs. Octupole vibrations !!