History of Oceanography
Why study historic oceanography? Integral part of human migration Provided new commerce routes, lands and resources. The oceans have shaped humanity’s past.
Ancient Uses and Explorations (5000 B.C. to 800 A.D.) Not sure when ocean voyages actually began Fish hooks and spears dated approximately 5000 B.C. Earliest recorded sea voyage – Egyptians about 3200 B.C.
Phoenician Explorations Most important early Western seafarers. Motivated by trade, Phoenicians traveled great distances. Established first trade routes throughout the Mediterranean and as far north as Great Britain.
Phoenician Navigation Stayed within sight of land Traveled at night – steered by observing constellations and the North Star. In the ancient world, the North Star was called the Phoenician Star
Polynesian Exploration Between 3,500 and 500 B.P. Settled most of the islands in the South Pacific Ocean hundreds of years before Europeans reached Pacific Ocean.
Polynesian Significance Earliest known regular, long-distance, open-ocean seafaring beyond sight of land. Often traveled thousands of kilometers across open ocean using their knowledge of currents, animal migration, trade winds and stars. Open canoes cut from tree trunks called outriggers were used to transport people, live stock and agriculture. Developed stick maps with ocean currents
Polynesian Migration The Polynesians migrated from Asia to Hawaii beginning around 3,500 BP ending around 500 BP.
Greek Exploration First people to use mathematical principles and developed sophisticated maps for seafaring Pytheas – Greek explorer, noted that he could predict tides in Atlantic based on the phases of the moon. He also measured angle between horizon and the North Star to determine position – improved navigation.
Eratosthenes (264-194 B.C) 2 major contributions that furthered Pytheas’ work: Calculated Earth’s Circumference ~40,000 km. Invented first latitude/longitude system.
Map of World – According to Eratosthenes
Ptolemy (100-168 A.D.) Created map of Earth that showed a portion of the Earth as a sphere on flat paper. Produced first world atlas Improved longitude/latitude system System still used today