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Presentation transcript:

VODENJE BIBLIOGRAFIJE FAKULTETE ZA DRUŽBENE VEDE Mira Vončina, Janez Jug Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za družbene vede Frequently, presenters must deliver material of a technical nature to an audience unfamiliar with the topic or vocabulary. The material may be complex or heavy with detail. To present technical material effectively, use the following guidelines from Dale Carnegie Training®.   Consider the amount of time available and prepare to organize your material. Narrow your topic. Divide your presentation into clear segments. Follow a logical progression. Maintain your focus throughout. Close the presentation with a summary, repetition of the key steps, or a logical conclusion. Keep your audience in mind at all times. For example, be sure data is clear and information is relevant. Keep the level of detail and vocabulary appropriate for the audience. Use visuals to support key points or steps. Keep alert to the needs of your listeners, and you will have a more receptive audience.

Namen prispevka opisati razvoj gradnje bibliografije (so)delavcev FDV problematizirati nekatere aktualne konceptualne in praktične vidike spodbuditi skupno iskanje rešitev In your opening, establish the relevancy of the topic to the audience. Give a brief preview of the presentation and establish value for the listeners. Take into account your audience’s interest and expertise in the topic when choosing your vocabulary, examples, and illustrations. Focus on the importance of the topic to your audience, and you will have more attentive listeners. M. Vončina, J. Jug

Cilji oz. uporabnost rezultatov vodenja BR osebne bibliografije bibliografije raziskovalnih skupin in organizacij nacionalna znanstvenoraziskovalna bibliografska produkcija merjenje (delovne) uspešnosti (pedagoških) delavcev FDV If you have several points, steps, or key ideas use multiple slides. Determine if your audience is to understand a new idea, learn a process, or receive greater depth to a familiar concept. Back up each point with adequate explanation. As appropriate, supplement your presentation with technical support data in hard copy or on disc, e-mail, or the Internet. Develop each point adequately to communicate with your audience. M. Vončina, J. Jug

Pregled razvoja vodenja BR na FDV pisni seznami / arhiviranje (do 1985) ZX Spectrum / program EVE (od 1985) DEC 10 na RCUL / programski paket IBIS (vzporedno) Atari / program STeve (od 1986) programski paket TRIP na RCUL (1990-1993) COBISS (od 1994) If you have several points, steps, or key ideas use multiple slides. Determine if your audience is to understand a new idea, learn a process, or receive greater depth to a familiar concept. Back up each point with adequate explanation. As appropriate, supplement your presentation with technical support data in hard copy or on disc, e-mail, or the Internet. Develop each point adequately to communicate with your audience. M. Vončina, J. Jug

TRIP - zbirka ODKBIB (ca. 10.000 zapisov) bibliografija FDV (ne samo raziskovalcev) šifrant (izvedena dela: mentorstvo, uredništvo, organizacijska dejavnost) bibliografija v ožjem smislu (ne administrativno poročilo o delu) If you have several points, steps, or key ideas use multiple slides. Determine if your audience is to understand a new idea, learn a process, or receive greater depth to a familiar concept. Back up each point with adequate explanation. As appropriate, supplement your presentation with technical support data in hard copy or on disc, e-mail, or the Internet. Develop each point adequately to communicate with your audience. M. Vončina, J. Jug

Pomanjkljivosti TRIP-a (1) ročno kopiranje, prestrukturiranje in prešifriranje zapisov vnos iz avtorjevih seznamov (nedosegljiva dela, dela "v tisku"...) If you have several points, steps, or key ideas use multiple slides. Determine if your audience is to understand a new idea, learn a process, or receive greater depth to a familiar concept. Back up each point with adequate explanation. As appropriate, supplement your presentation with technical support data in hard copy or on disc, e-mail, or the Internet. Develop each point adequately to communicate with your audience. M. Vončina, J. Jug

Pomanjkljivosti TRIPa (2) podvajanje redakcijskih postopkov večkratni vnos večavtorskih publikacij oz. del (v različnih dokumentacijah) uporabniško neprijazen dostop do izpisov If you have several points, steps, or key ideas use multiple slides. Determine if your audience is to understand a new idea, learn a process, or receive greater depth to a familiar concept. Back up each point with adequate explanation. As appropriate, supplement your presentation with technical support data in hard copy or on disc, e-mail, or the Internet. Develop each point adequately to communicate with your audience. M. Vončina, J. Jug

Priprava ULBB 3. knjiga (1966-1976) na papirju 4. knjiga (1977-1986) iz TRIP-a (1994) 5. knjiga (1987-1996) iz COBISS-a (1998) If you have several points, steps, or key ideas use multiple slides. Determine if your audience is to understand a new idea, learn a process, or receive greater depth to a familiar concept. Back up each point with adequate explanation. As appropriate, supplement your presentation with technical support data in hard copy or on disc, e-mail, or the Internet. Develop each point adequately to communicate with your audience. M. Vončina, J. Jug

Prehod na COBISS (1) 1992 Pogodba o sodelovanju UL v sistemu COBISS 1992 ODKJG polnopravna članica 1993 obdelava monografij in revij v COBISS-u 1993-1994 delo na dveh sistemih If you have several points, steps, or key ideas use multiple slides. Determine if your audience is to understand a new idea, learn a process, or receive greater depth to a familiar concept. Back up each point with adequate explanation. As appropriate, supplement your presentation with technical support data in hard copy or on disc, e-mail, or the Internet. Develop each point adequately to communicate with your audience. M. Vončina, J. Jug

Prehod na COBISS (2) 1994 obdelava člankov in konverzija zbirk iz TRIP-a v COBISS 1996-1997 retrospektivni vnos in redakcija zapisov do 1998 nasprotovanje UL vodenju BR v COBISS-u (BOBI) If you have several points, steps, or key ideas use multiple slides. Determine if your audience is to understand a new idea, learn a process, or receive greater depth to a familiar concept. Back up each point with adequate explanation. As appropriate, supplement your presentation with technical support data in hard copy or on disc, e-mail, or the Internet. Develop each point adequately to communicate with your audience. M. Vončina, J. Jug

Letni prirast zapisov za BR M. Vončina, J. Jug

Povzetek pregleda razvoja vodenja BR na FDV posodabljanje programske in tehnične opreme številne konverzije zbirk ponovni/retrospektivni vnosi in redakcije konflikti med nosilci znanstvenoinformacijske politike fluktuacija delavcev ODKJG If you have several points, steps, or key ideas use multiple slides. Determine if your audience is to understand a new idea, learn a process, or receive greater depth to a familiar concept. Back up each point with adequate explanation. As appropriate, supplement your presentation with technical support data in hard copy or on disc, e-mail, or the Internet. Develop each point adequately to communicate with your audience. M. Vončina, J. Jug

Razlogi ODKJG za prehod na sistem COBISS (1) pomanjkljivosti TRIP-a ugotovitev, da je nemogoče kvalitetno in brez večjih časovnih izgub obdelovati bibliografske enote v dveh različnih sistemih z različnimi pravili konverzija iz COBISS-a v TRIP bi bila lažja kot obratno If you have several points, steps, or key ideas use multiple slides. Determine if your audience is to understand a new idea, learn a process, or receive greater depth to a familiar concept. Back up each point with adequate explanation. As appropriate, supplement your presentation with technical support data in hard copy or on disc, e-mail, or the Internet. Develop each point adequately to communicate with your audience. M. Vončina, J. Jug

Razlogi ODKJG za prehod na sistem COBISS (2) argumenti o pozitivnih vidikih novega sistema (racionalnost, transparentnost, standardiziranost, enotnost tipologije, klasifikacije in definicij publikacij) sofinanciranje dejavnosti strožje določene obveznosti raziskovalnih organizacij in raziskovalcev If you have several points, steps, or key ideas use multiple slides. Determine if your audience is to understand a new idea, learn a process, or receive greater depth to a familiar concept. Back up each point with adequate explanation. As appropriate, supplement your presentation with technical support data in hard copy or on disc, e-mail, or the Internet. Develop each point adequately to communicate with your audience. M. Vončina, J. Jug

Obveznosti raziskovalnih organizacij (MZT) (1) Pravilnik o merilih za ocenjevanje kakovosti raziskovalne dejavnosti in o evidencah ter spremljanju raziskovalne dejavnosti (Ur. l. RS, št. 65/94) Navodila za vodenje bibliografij raziskovalcev v okviru sistema COBISS (1995) šifrant primarni dokumenti oz. fotokopije ustrezno dokumentacijo za izvedena dela označiti tip dokumenta sodelovati pri vsebinski obdelavi If you have several points, steps, or key ideas use multiple slides. Determine if your audience is to understand a new idea, learn a process, or receive greater depth to a familiar concept. Back up each point with adequate explanation. As appropriate, supplement your presentation with technical support data in hard copy or on disc, e-mail, or the Internet. Develop each point adequately to communicate with your audience. M. Vončina, J. Jug

Obveznosti raziskovalnih organizacij (MZT) (2) Pravilnik o postopku in merilih za sofinanciranje programov dejavnosti organizacij informacijske infrastrukture (Ur. l. RS, št. 62/95) Dopis raziskovalcem (1996) strokovno delo bibliografov z licencami svobodna izbira knjižnice, ki bi skrbela za vodenje BR obveznost raziskovalcev, da sodelujejo z uredniki BR na predpisan način If you have several points, steps, or key ideas use multiple slides. Determine if your audience is to understand a new idea, learn a process, or receive greater depth to a familiar concept. Back up each point with adequate explanation. As appropriate, supplement your presentation with technical support data in hard copy or on disc, e-mail, or the Internet. Develop each point adequately to communicate with your audience. M. Vončina, J. Jug

Bibliografski zapisi za potrebe BR v sistemu COBISS so identični vsem drugim zapisom v COBISS-u dodatno vsebujejo tip dokumenta šifro ustanove šifro raziskovalca (enolična identifikacija avtorja) izjemna pozornost konsistentnosti podatkov v posameznem zapisu If you have several points, steps, or key ideas use multiple slides. Determine if your audience is to understand a new idea, learn a process, or receive greater depth to a familiar concept. Back up each point with adequate explanation. As appropriate, supplement your presentation with technical support data in hard copy or on disc, e-mail, or the Internet. Develop each point adequately to communicate with your audience. M. Vončina, J. Jug

Praktično delo pri vodenju BR v sistemu COBISS (1) sprememba tipologije dokumentov/del ukinitev delitve na publikacije in polpublikacije (izvedena dela, maska N) dopolnitve formata COMARC/B s specifičnimi pravili uvedba enolične identifikacije avtorja s šifro raziskovalca If you have several points, steps, or key ideas use multiple slides. Determine if your audience is to understand a new idea, learn a process, or receive greater depth to a familiar concept. Back up each point with adequate explanation. As appropriate, supplement your presentation with technical support data in hard copy or on disc, e-mail, or the Internet. Develop each point adequately to communicate with your audience. M. Vončina, J. Jug

Praktično delo pri vodenju BR v sistemu COBISS (2) globalni šifrant raziskovalnih ustanov redefinicija redakcijskih postopkov COBIBa implementacija baze podatkov CORES povezava s faktorji vpliva iz baze Journal Citation Report If you have several points, steps, or key ideas use multiple slides. Determine if your audience is to understand a new idea, learn a process, or receive greater depth to a familiar concept. Back up each point with adequate explanation. As appropriate, supplement your presentation with technical support data in hard copy or on disc, e-mail, or the Internet. Develop each point adequately to communicate with your audience. M. Vončina, J. Jug

Praktično delo pri vodenju BR v sistemu COBISS (3) dopolnitev programske opreme COBISS online izpisi s točkovanjem (1999) programske kontrole (2001) normativna kontrola imen (CONOR) If you have several points, steps, or key ideas use multiple slides. Determine if your audience is to understand a new idea, learn a process, or receive greater depth to a familiar concept. Back up each point with adequate explanation. As appropriate, supplement your presentation with technical support data in hard copy or on disc, e-mail, or the Internet. Develop each point adequately to communicate with your audience. M. Vončina, J. Jug

Problematika standardov pri vodenju BR v sistemu COBISS (1) isti standardi, postopek vsebuje mnoge posebnosti (COMARC/B) zelo različna katalogizacijska praksa v knjižnicah zastarevanje standardov oz. ustreznih pravilnikov, priročnikov in dokumentov prepočasno razvijanje oz. prilagajanje (mednarodnih) katalogizacijskih standardov If you have several points, steps, or key ideas use multiple slides. Determine if your audience is to understand a new idea, learn a process, or receive greater depth to a familiar concept. Back up each point with adequate explanation. As appropriate, supplement your presentation with technical support data in hard copy or on disc, e-mail, or the Internet. Develop each point adequately to communicate with your audience. M. Vončina, J. Jug

Problematika standardov pri vodenju bibliografije v sistemu COBISS (2) slaba dokumentiranost, razpršenost neizdelani (katalogizacijski) standardi obdelave internetnih dokumentov podlaga rešitvam v formatu COMARC potrebe in katalogizacijska praksa v COBISS-u je žal prehitevala razvoj strokovnih (bibliotekarskih) standardov If you have several points, steps, or key ideas use multiple slides. Determine if your audience is to understand a new idea, learn a process, or receive greater depth to a familiar concept. Back up each point with adequate explanation. As appropriate, supplement your presentation with technical support data in hard copy or on disc, e-mail, or the Internet. Develop each point adequately to communicate with your audience. M. Vončina, J. Jug

Izbor gradiva za BR primerjava z nacionalno bibliografijo (selekcija, kvaliteta zapisov, UBK) določen s šifrantom problematično gradivo (specifičnosti znanstveno-raziskovalnega objavljanja) novi mediji If you have several points, steps, or key ideas use multiple slides. Determine if your audience is to understand a new idea, learn a process, or receive greater depth to a familiar concept. Back up each point with adequate explanation. As appropriate, supplement your presentation with technical support data in hard copy or on disc, e-mail, or the Internet. Develop each point adequately to communicate with your audience. M. Vončina, J. Jug

SLIKA 2 Število bibliogr. enot M. Vončina, J. Jug

Tipologija in točkovanje dokumentov/del (1) ohlapnost definicij tipov dokumentov/del nekonsistentnost tipologije (možnost uvrščanja iste enote v več različnih skupin) pomanjkljiva navodila omogočajo poljubno interpretacijo If you have several points, steps, or key ideas use multiple slides. Determine if your audience is to understand a new idea, learn a process, or receive greater depth to a familiar concept. Back up each point with adequate explanation. As appropriate, supplement your presentation with technical support data in hard copy or on disc, e-mail, or the Internet. Develop each point adequately to communicate with your audience. M. Vončina, J. Jug

Tipologija in točkovanje dokumentov/del (2) anomalije pri določanju tipov dokumentov/del anomalije pri izdelovanju zapisov (nekonsistentni zapisi) prilagojeno publiciranje If you have several points, steps, or key ideas use multiple slides. Determine if your audience is to understand a new idea, learn a process, or receive greater depth to a familiar concept. Back up each point with adequate explanation. As appropriate, supplement your presentation with technical support data in hard copy or on disc, e-mail, or the Internet. Develop each point adequately to communicate with your audience. M. Vončina, J. Jug

SLIKA 3 M. Vončina, J. Jug

Tipologija in točkovanje dokumentov/del (3) sporna pristojnost za določanje tipov dokumentov samoevalvacija korekcija (transparentnost sistema) (so)avtorstva pooblaščene osebe oz. institut redaktorja: knjižničar, interna komisija na fakulteti, "siva eminenca", posebno telo pri MŠZŠ ali SAZU ali samozvani redaktorji If you have several points, steps, or key ideas use multiple slides. Determine if your audience is to understand a new idea, learn a process, or receive greater depth to a familiar concept. Back up each point with adequate explanation. As appropriate, supplement your presentation with technical support data in hard copy or on disc, e-mail, or the Internet. Develop each point adequately to communicate with your audience. M. Vončina, J. Jug

Tipologija in točkovanje dokumentov/del (4) neusklajenost bibliografije raziskovalcev s habilitacijsko bibliografijo različna tipologija različno točkovanje identičnih objav If you have several points, steps, or key ideas use multiple slides. Determine if your audience is to understand a new idea, learn a process, or receive greater depth to a familiar concept. Back up each point with adequate explanation. As appropriate, supplement your presentation with technical support data in hard copy or on disc, e-mail, or the Internet. Develop each point adequately to communicate with your audience. M. Vončina, J. Jug

Najbolj pereči problemi pri gradnji BR (1) financiranje samoumevna obveznost specifična storitev za specifičnega končnega uporabnika ukinjeno javno (so)financiranje If you have several points, steps, or key ideas use multiple slides. Determine if your audience is to understand a new idea, learn a process, or receive greater depth to a familiar concept. Back up each point with adequate explanation. As appropriate, supplement your presentation with technical support data in hard copy or on disc, e-mail, or the Internet. Develop each point adequately to communicate with your audience. M. Vončina, J. Jug

Najbolj pereči problemi pri gradnji BR (2) širitev obsega BR pojav novih medijev širitev koncepta bibliografije raziskovalcev v administrativno poročilo o delu širitev razumevanja publiciranja na pojem "objavljanja" v najširšem smislu narašča obseg komuniciranja z avtorji If you have several points, steps, or key ideas use multiple slides. Determine if your audience is to understand a new idea, learn a process, or receive greater depth to a familiar concept. Back up each point with adequate explanation. As appropriate, supplement your presentation with technical support data in hard copy or on disc, e-mail, or the Internet. Develop each point adequately to communicate with your audience. M. Vončina, J. Jug

Najbolj pereči problemi pri gradnji BR (3) širitev obsega BR s "problematičnim (elektronskim) gradivom" se povečuje čas za izdelavo povprečnega bibliografskega zapisa širitev FDV-ja in obsega njene dejavnosti specifičnost delovanja, publiciranja, objavljanja družboslovcev If you have several points, steps, or key ideas use multiple slides. Determine if your audience is to understand a new idea, learn a process, or receive greater depth to a familiar concept. Back up each point with adequate explanation. As appropriate, supplement your presentation with technical support data in hard copy or on disc, e-mail, or the Internet. Develop each point adequately to communicate with your audience. M. Vončina, J. Jug

SLIKA 4 M. Vončina, J. Jug

Najbolj pereči problemi pri gradnji BR (4) organizacijske težave visokošolskih knjižnic časovni obseg dela za potrebe BR narašča preobremenjenost knjižničarjev v knjižnicah z enim zaposlenim bibliografa s specifičnim znanjem in ustreznimi izkušnjami je težko nadomestiti If you have several points, steps, or key ideas use multiple slides. Determine if your audience is to understand a new idea, learn a process, or receive greater depth to a familiar concept. Back up each point with adequate explanation. As appropriate, supplement your presentation with technical support data in hard copy or on disc, e-mail, or the Internet. Develop each point adequately to communicate with your audience. M. Vončina, J. Jug

Najbolj pereči problemi pri gradnji BR (5) problematika standardov o obdelavi internetnih dokumentov nestabilnost vsebine, oblike in lokacij enostavnost "objavljanja" na internetu obstoj istovetnega teksta na različnih medijih / virih mednarodni standardi v razvoju potreba po uradni registraciji, pridobitvi mednarodnih standardnih številk publikacij If you have several points, steps, or key ideas use multiple slides. Determine if your audience is to understand a new idea, learn a process, or receive greater depth to a familiar concept. Back up each point with adequate explanation. As appropriate, supplement your presentation with technical support data in hard copy or on disc, e-mail, or the Internet. Develop each point adequately to communicate with your audience. M. Vončina, J. Jug

Najbolj pereči problemi pri gradnji BR (6) pritiski matičnih raziskovalnih organizacij in avtorjev predlagajo vnos iz seznamov in skeniranje ali kopiranje že pripravljenih avtorjevih bibliografij z disket kritika tipologije in točkovanja If you have several points, steps, or key ideas use multiple slides. Determine if your audience is to understand a new idea, learn a process, or receive greater depth to a familiar concept. Back up each point with adequate explanation. As appropriate, supplement your presentation with technical support data in hard copy or on disc, e-mail, or the Internet. Develop each point adequately to communicate with your audience. M. Vončina, J. Jug

Predlogi (1) poziv ustreznim organom MŠZŠ-ja za razrešitev problema financiranja izjava o nujnosti sodelovanja pri implementaciji novega koncepta vodenja BR (konsistentnejša tipologija in definicije publikacij, natančnejša navodila, večja selektivnost) If you have several points, steps, or key ideas use multiple slides. Determine if your audience is to understand a new idea, learn a process, or receive greater depth to a familiar concept. Back up each point with adequate explanation. As appropriate, supplement your presentation with technical support data in hard copy or on disc, e-mail, or the Internet. Develop each point adequately to communicate with your audience. M. Vončina, J. Jug

Predlogi (2) opredelitev do ideje o vzporednih podatkovnih zbirkah oziroma informacijskih sistemih za gradnjo BR organiziranje posebnih strokovnih problemskih delavnic (enotnejša katalogizacijska praksa) If you have several points, steps, or key ideas use multiple slides. Determine if your audience is to understand a new idea, learn a process, or receive greater depth to a familiar concept. Back up each point with adequate explanation. As appropriate, supplement your presentation with technical support data in hard copy or on disc, e-mail, or the Internet. Develop each point adequately to communicate with your audience. M. Vončina, J. Jug