direct marketing Definition of direct marketing Is there a place for direct mail in a world of changing communication? Fundamentals Tools available to you How can we help? A dealers perspective Summary
direct marketing Any promotional activity where a company communicates directly with a contact in order to prompt an action Direct mail Telesales Fieldsales Email Mobile marketing Direct response advertising
Social Media Content Marketing
direct marketing A typical B2B marketing budget
Is there a place for direct mail in a world of changing communication? Proven track record, 91% of dm opened in 2011 with 5% resulting in action Marketers continue to use as cheaper, more targetted along with email Customers still prefer printed brochures to find the right products before going online to order Longer time to digest and flick through No time constraints as with email Keep your name visible on your customers/prospects desks when others have cut their marketing budgets Reaching the right person most cost effectively and gaining measurable results!
Fundamentals Planning – objectives (smart) Data Targeting The method of delivery The Sales Letter Follow up Measurement
summary Balance approach to promoting products and services and incentivising a purchase With adding value through sharing interesting, informative content ie newsletters, blogs etc Plan your activity – take time out to sharpen your tools Include others in the planning to get their input and enthusiasm! Adapt what you are doing Invest time in your data – if your message doesn’t get to the right person there is no point sending it!
direct marketing available to you Catalogues Product Mailers Press Releases Social media Email Marketing
Examples of email marketing campaigns
sharpen your tools!
additional marketing support Managed Services & Support Planning sheets Email Support Press releases Integra Website Telephone Support
marketing: a dealers perspective Marketing Plan (the numbers) Mailer & Telemarketing Database Control The time factor Business Promotion Direct business results
marketing: a dealers perspective Case study Inprint Analysis Feature Bespoke Company Information/News Mailer-Email link
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