Practice Survey 2016 Friday, January 06, 2017
148 Total Responses Date Created: Wednesday, September 14, 2016 Complete Responses: 148
Q2: Practice Type - Please select all that apply Answered: 147 Skipped: 1
Q2: Practice Type - Please select all that apply Answered: 147 Skipped: 1
Q3: Did you report any instances in the National Incident Reporting program? Answered: 148 Skipped: 0
Q3: Did you report any instances in the National Incident Reporting program? Answered: 148 Skipped: 0
Q4: The OVC Program is important to our Association and referrals from members are needed to help it grow. Are you aware of any potential companies that could benefit from the program? Answered: 144 Skipped: 4
Q4: The OVC Program is important to our Association and referrals from members are needed to help it grow. Are you aware of any potential companies that could benefit from the program? Answered: 144 Skipped: 4
Q5: Would you like your name listed in a Low Vision Directory? Answered: 148 Skipped: 0
Q5: Would you like your name listed in a Low Vision Directory? Answered: 148 Skipped: 0
Q6: Are you accepting referrals for Low Vision Services? Answered: 147 Skipped: 1
Q6: Are you accepting referrals for Low Vision Services? Answered: 147 Skipped: 1
Q7: How many patients would you treat for low vision in a year? Answered: 146 Skipped: 2
Q7: How many patients would you treat for low vision in a year? Answered: 146 Skipped: 2
Q8: Are you interested in working a locum for a year? Answered: 146 Skipped: 2
Q8: Are you interested in working a locum for a year? Answered: 146 Skipped: 2
Q9: If you have answered, yes: how many days a month? Answered: 106 Skipped: 42
Q9: If you have answered, yes: how many days a month? Answered: 106 Skipped: 42
Q10: If you have answered, yes: can the SAO office release this information to interested parties? Answered: 115 Skipped: 33
Q10: If you have answered, yes: can the SAO office release this information to interested parties? Answered: 115 Skipped: 33
Q11: Do you or someone in your office provide vision therapy? Answered: 146 Skipped: 2
Q11: Do you or someone in your office provide vision therapy? Answered: 146 Skipped: 2
Q12: Is your office accepting referrals for vision therapy? Answered: 147 Skipped: 1
Q12: Is your office accepting referrals for vision therapy? Answered: 147 Skipped: 1
Q13: Are you familiar with the Eye See Eye Learn (ESEL) program? Answered: 146 Skipped: 2
Q13: Are you familiar with the Eye See Eye Learn (ESEL) program? Answered: 146 Skipped: 2
Q14: If you answered, yes: do you complete the ESEL Exam Reporting Forms? Answered: 148 Skipped: 0
Q14: If you answered, yes: do you complete the ESEL Exam Reporting Forms? Answered: 148 Skipped: 0
Q15: Do you complete the ESEL Eye Examination Report Forms and provide them to the child’s parents if you diagnose a visual problem for a child age 3 to 5? Answered: 147 Skipped: 1
Q15: Do you complete the ESEL Eye Examination Report Forms and provide them to the child’s parents if you diagnose a visual problem for a child age 3 to 5? Answered: 147 Skipped: 1
Q16: Have you experienced an increase in children eye examination requests? Answered: 146 Skipped: 2
Q16: Have you experienced an increase in children eye examination requests? Answered: 146 Skipped: 2
Q17: Would you agree to present educational seminars in your area? Answered: 145 Skipped: 3
Q17: Would you agree to present educational seminars in your area? Answered: 145 Skipped: 3
Q20: Have you prescribed an oral medication? Answered: 148 Skipped: 0
Q20: Have you prescribed an oral medication? Answered: 148 Skipped: 0
Q21: If yes: how many different patients have you prescribed an oral medication for? Answered: 138 Skipped: 10
Q21: If yes: how many different patients have you prescribed an oral medication for? Answered: 138 Skipped: 10
Q22: Have you prescribed any medication for glaucoma? Answered: 147 Skipped: 1
Q22: Have you prescribed any medication for glaucoma? Answered: 147 Skipped: 1
Q23: If yes: how many different patients have you prescribed glaucoma for? Answered: 130 Skipped: 18
Q23: If yes: how many different patients have you prescribed glaucoma for? Answered: 130 Skipped: 18
Q24: Would you let your name stand as an expert optometric witness and agree to appear in court on behalf of either the defense or prosecution? (You would have the option to decline when asked) Answered: 142 Skipped: 6
Q24: Would you let your name stand as an expert optometric witness and agree to appear in court on behalf of either the defense or prosecution? (You would have the option to decline when asked) Answered: 142 Skipped: 6