Leung Kim, Adrian Harwood, Alan R. Kimmel  Developmental Cell 


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Presentation transcript:

Receptor-Dependent and Tyrosine Phosphatase-Mediated Inhibition of GSK3 Regulates Cell Fate Choice  Leung Kim, Adrian Harwood, Alan R. Kimmel  Developmental Cell  Volume 3, Issue 4, Pages 523-532 (October 2002) DOI: 10.1016/S1534-5807(02)00269-1

Figure 1 Kinase-Inactive GSK3 Acts as a Dominant Negative to Rescue the car4 Null Phenotype (A) A kinase-inactive mutant of GSK3 has dominant-negative developmental effects. Wild-type (WT), car3 null, and car4 null cells were differentiated in shaking culture with 50 nM cAMP pulses for 5 hr and then were continuously treated for 6 hr with or without 300 μM cAMP to induce cell-specific gene expression. Northern blot analysis shows the enhanced expression of the anterior prestalk marker ecmA in car3 null cells and reduction of the posterior prespore marker psA. Conversely, psA is highly upregulated in car4 null cells, while ecmA expression is attenuated. Expression of the K84M, K85M kinase-inactive (KI) GSK3 mutant (see Figure 1B) with the act15 promoter in the car4 null background suppressed posterior, prespore gene expression but rescued anterior, prestalk expression. No effect on gene expression was observed using wild-type (WT) GSK3. (B) The K84M, K85M GSK3 mutant lacks kinase activity. FLAG-tagged wild-type (WT) and FLAG-tagged K84M, K85M (lysine residues involved in ATP binding) kinase-inactive (KI) mutant GSK3 were expressed in car4 null cells with the act15 promoter and immunopurified with the α-FLAG antibody M2. GSK3 was normalized with α-GSK3 antibody and specific GSK3 kinase activities measured with MBP (myelin basic protein) as a substrate. (C) car4 null controls (−) and car4 nulls expressing wild-type (WT) or kinase-inactive (KI) forms of GSK3 were developed on solid substrata for 15 hr, and expression of the anterior prestalk marker ecmA and the posterior prespore marker psA was determined by Northern blot hybridization. (D) car4 null and wild-type cells expressing wild-type (WT) or kinase-inactive (KI) forms of GSK3 were developed on solid substrata to the mound stage (12 hr) and harvested. Cells were disaggregated and incubated for 6 hr in the presence of 300 μM cAMP to induce prespore gene expression. Expression of the posterior prespore marker psA was determined by Northern blot hybridization. Developmental Cell 2002 3, 523-532DOI: (10.1016/S1534-5807(02)00269-1)

Figure 2 GSK3 Is a Negative Regulatory Target Downstream of CAR4 (A) Stalk cell formation in car4 nulls is hypersensitive to cAMP. Wild-type (WT), car4, car3, zak1, and gsk3 null cells were incubated with 5 mM cAMP for 20 hr in monolayer culture (Berks and Kay, 1988) and subsequently incubated with 100 nM DIF-1 at varying concentrations of cAMP, shown in logarithmic scale, for an additional 20 hr. The percentage of vacuolated stalk cells was determined for each assay and expressed as percent inhibition compared with cells treated with DIF-1 in the absence of cAMP (80% stalk cells for WT and 60% stalk cells for car4 nulls). No inhibition of stalk cell formation by cAMP is observed for car3, zak1, and gsk3 null cells. The data represent mean values of two independent experiments. (B) GSK3 activity is upregulated in car4 nulls. Whole-cell lysates from wild-type (WT), car4, car3, and gsk3 null cells were prepared throughout development and GSK3-specific kinase activities determined by peptide kinase assay. GSK3 was normalized by Western blotting with the α-GSK3 antibody 4G-1E. The data represent mean values of three independent experiments. Developmental Cell 2002 3, 523-532DOI: (10.1016/S1534-5807(02)00269-1)

Figure 3 Antagonistic Regulation of GSK3 by Tyrosine Phosphorylation and Dephosphorylation (A) Differential tyrosine phosphorylation of GSK3 by CAR3 and CAR4 regulates GSK3 activity. GSK3 was fused in-frame with the FLAG peptide and expressed in wild-type (WT), car3, and car4 null cells with the act15 promoter. Cells were differentiated in shaking culture with 50 nM cAMP pulses for 4 hr and then treated with 300 μM cAMP for the times indicated. Whole-cell lysates were prepared throughout the time course, and GSK3 was immunoprecipitated with α-FLAG antibody M2. GSK3 was eluted by FLAG peptide and normalized by Western blotting with α-GSK3 antibody 4G-1E. The same filters were stripped and reprobed using α-phosphotytrosine antibody 4G10. GSK3-specific activities were measured from purified GSK3 with MBP as a substrate. (B) Relative changes in GSK3 activity levels following cAMP stimulation in an experiment similar to that of Figure 3A. GSK3-specific activity for each strain at 0 time was set to 100%. GSK3 activity in the gsk3 null strain was compared with that of wild-type cells at 0 time (see Kim et al. 1999). Developmental Cell 2002 3, 523-532DOI: (10.1016/S1534-5807(02)00269-1)

Figure 4 Y214 and Y220 of GSK3 Are In Vivo and In Vitro Phosphorylation Sites (A) Identification of ZAK1 phosphorylation sites in GSK3. GST was fused in-frame with peptides from Dictyostelium GSK3 that contained tyrosine residues plus flanking sequences. Each construct was separately tested in vitro for its capacity as a ZAK1 substrate. Relative levels of expressed protein were assessed by Coomassie blue staining. (B) cAMP-induced phosphorylation of Y214. GSK3 was fused in-frame with the FLAG peptide and expressed in wild-type cells with the act15 promoter. Cells were differentiated in shaking culture with 50 nM cAMP pulses for 4 hr and then treated with 300 μM cAMP for the times indicated. Whole-cell lysates were prepared throughout the time course, and GSK3 was immunoprecipitated with α-FLAG antibody M2. GSK3 was eluted by FLAG peptide and normalized by Western blotting with α-GSK3 antibody 4G-1E. The same filters were stripped and reprobed using α-pY216 antibody 5G-2F. GSK3-specific activities were measured from purified GSK3 with MBP as a substrate. (C) Wild-type (WT) and Y214F GSK3 was fused in-frame with the FLAG peptide and expressed in wild-type cells with the act15 promoter. Whole-cell lysates were prepared from 12 hr mounds and GSK3 was immunoprecipitated using α-FLAG antibody M2. GSK3 was eluted by FLAG peptide and normalized by western blotting using α-GSK3 antibody 4G-1E. The same filters were stripped and reprobed with α-phosphotyrosine antibodies 4G10 and PY20. (D) Identification of ZAK1 phosphorylation sites in GSK3. GST was fused in-frame with peptides from Dictyostelium GSK3 that contained the specified tyrosine residue. Each construct was separately tested in vitro for its capacity as a ZAK1 substrate. We were unable to obtain a stable GST fusion with a Y159/Y161 peptide. Developmental Cell 2002 3, 523-532DOI: (10.1016/S1534-5807(02)00269-1)

Figure 5 Y214 and Y220 Are Essential for cAMP-Regulated Phosphorylation and Activation of GSK3 (A) Y214F and Y220F mutations of GSK3 have reduced activity. FLAG-tagged wild-type (WT) and Y214F, Y220F, and Y285F mutants of GSK3 were expressed with the act15 promoter and immunopurified with the α-FLAG antibody M2. GSK3 was normalized with α-GSK3 antibody, and specific GSK3 kinase activities were measured with MBP as a substrate. (B) Y214F and Y220F GSK3 were fused in-frame with the FLAG peptide and expressed in wild-type cells with the act15 promoter. Cells were differentiated in shaking culture with 50 nM cAMP pulses for 4 hr and then treated with 300 μM cAMP for the times indicated. Whole-cell lysates were prepared throughout the time course, and GSK3 was immunoprecipitated with α-FLAG antibody M2. GSK3 was eluted by FLAG peptide and normalized by Western blotting with α-GSK3 antibody 4G-1E. The same filters were stripped and reprobed with α-pY216 antibody 5G-2F and with α-phosphotytrosine antibody 4G10. GSK3-specific activities were measured from purified GSK3 with MBP as a substrate. (C) Wild-type cells expressing wild-type (WT), kinase-inactive (KI), or Y214F forms of GSK3 cells were differentiated in culture with 50 nM cAMP pulses and then continuously treated with or without 300 μM cAMP to induce preporel-specific gene expression. Expression of the prespore marker psA was determined by Northern blot hybridization. Developmental Cell 2002 3, 523-532DOI: (10.1016/S1534-5807(02)00269-1)

Figure 6 CAR4-Dependent Dephosphorylation of GSK3 Is Mediated by a Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase (A) ZAK1 is activated transiently in both wild-type and car4 null cells. Tyrosine kinase ZAK1 was FLAG-tagged and expressed in wild-type and car4 null cells with the act15 promoter. Developmentally competent cells were treated with 300 μM cAMP for the times indicated, and whole-cell lysates were prepared. After ZAK1 purification with M2 antibody, ZAK1 levels for each time point were normalized by Western blotting with α-ZAK1 antibody. The ZAK1-specific activities were measured with MBP as a substrate. (B) Relative changes in ZAK1 activity levels following cAMP stimulation in an experiment similar to that in (A). ZAK1-specific activity for each strain at 0 time was set to 100%. ZAK1 activity in the zak1 null strain was compared with that of wild-type cells at 0 time (see Kim et al. 1999). (C) Absence of cAMP-activated GSK3-specific PTPase in car4 nulls. Developmentally competent cells were treated with 300 μM cAMP for the times indicated, and whole-cell lysates were prepared. Extracts with equivalent protein concentrations were incubated with 32P-Y214 GSK3 peptide in fusion with GST (see Figure 4A). GSK3-specific PTPase activity was measured as a loss of substrate 32P radiolabel, without a concomitant decrease in total substrate (GST-Y214) mass, as determined by Coomassie blue staining. (D) Relative changes in PTPase activity levels following cAMP stimulation in an experiment similar to that in (C). PTPase activity for each strain at 0 time was set to 100%. The data represent mean values of three independent experiments, ± 4%. Comparative PTPase activity was determined for wild-type cells and car4 nulls at every time point in the presence of the universal inhibitors sodium vanadate and sodium molybdate. Developmental Cell 2002 3, 523-532DOI: (10.1016/S1534-5807(02)00269-1)

Figure 7 Comparative Cell Fate Choice Pathways in Xenopus, Drosophila, C. elegans, and Dictyostelium Vertebrates, Drosophila, C. elegans, and Dictyostelium share a common developmental dependency on a signaling cascade that is initiated upon stimulation of an Fz domain-containing morphogen receptor that converges at GSK3. In Xenopus and Drosophila, the morphogen Wnt/Wg initiates an inhibitory signal that requiries dishevelled (dsh) and additional components (data not shown) to functionally downregulate GSK3. This promotes dorsal fate patterning in Xenopus and posterior segment polarity (naked cuticle) in Drosophila but antagonizes ventral pattern formation in Xenopus and anterior segment polarity (denticle formation) in Drosophila. Other components, including Axin, mediate the action of active GSK3. In C. elegans, Wnt signaling activates GSK3. The Wnt homolog mom-2 initiates a positive signal cascade from the Fz homolog mom-5 to GSK3. Active GSK3 is required for endoderm formation, while loss of GSK3 function will lead to a mesodermal fate. Molecular intermediates in this pathway have not been identified. Dictyostelium, in contrast, employs both positive and negative signaling cascades downstream of its morphogen cAMP receptors to regulate the common target GSK3. Stimulation of CAR3 activates GSK3 and promotes prespore fate patterns, whereas CAR4 stimulation will inhibit GSK3 and promote prestalk differentiation. CAR3 activation of GSK3 is mediated by the tyrosine kinase ZAK1, while CAR4 inhibits GSK3 by a tyrosine phosphatase (PTPase)-dependent pathway. Thus, tyrosine phosphorylation/dephosphorylation of GSK3 mediates antagonistic receptor regulation for GSK3 activation/deactivation and cell fate determination. Developmental Cell 2002 3, 523-532DOI: (10.1016/S1534-5807(02)00269-1)