Margreet van Brummelen Anita Vaasen-Otten Statistics Netherlands Changes in the administrative sources used by the Dutch Business Register Margreet van Brummelen Anita Vaasen-Otten Statistics Netherlands Wiesbaden Group, Tallinn, 27-30 september 2010
Wiesbaden Group, Tallinn, 27-30 september 2010 Introduction Government Policies Three administrative sources Concluding remarks In this presentation I move from government policies with regard to reducing administrative burden to three administrative sources used in our BR and I will finish with some concluding remarks. Wiesbaden Group, Tallinn, 27-30 september 2010
Wiesbaden Group, Tallinn, 27-30 september 2010 Government policies Reduce administrative burden For governmental institutions: principle of single filing of information and multiple use. goal connected use. For Statistics Netherlands (CBS-law): allowed and obliged to use data from government registers Wiesbaden Group, Tallinn, 27-30 september 2010
Wiesbaden Group, Tallinn, 27-30 september 2010 Government policies Reduce administrative burden For governmental institutions: principle of single filing of information and multiple use. goal connected use. For Statistics Netherlands (CBS-law): allowed and obliged to use data from government registers Wiesbaden Group, Tallinn, 27-30 september 2010
Insurance Policy record Administration Ownership and control relations Government policies New Trade Register Insurance Policy record Administration Reduce administrative burden For governmental institutions: principle of single filing of information and multiple use. goal connected use. For Statistics Netherlands (CBS-law): allowed and obliged to use data from government registers Ownership and control relations Wiesbaden Group, Tallinn, 27-30 september 2010
System of Base Registers Administrative identification (fiscal number, CoC-nummer) Geometrical identification (address or other) Wiesbaden Group, Tallinn, 27-30 september 2010
Involved Base Registers Currently six specific base register laws into force in NL: Persons Register (New) Trade Register Buildings and Addresses Register Topography Register Larger scale Topography Register Land register In the near future five other potential base registers are foreseen. These are: Insurance Policy record Administration Income Register Property tax register Subsoil Register Vehicles Register Most registers already existed is some form. Persons Register (Register on natural persons) (New) Trade Register (Register on persons, legal entities, companies and their establishments) Buildings and Addresses Register (Register on real estate, buildings, properties, and addresses; two distinctive base registers) Topography Register: (Topography Register at the scale of 1:10000 or smaller) Larger scale Topography Register: (Topography Register at a scale of 1:500 until 1:5000) Land register (Register on parcels of land, properties, and their owners) In the near future five other potential base registers are forseen. These are: Insurance Policy record Administration (Register on labour information, wages and benefits) Income Register (Register on incomes of persons) Property tax register (Register on tax values of properties) Subsoil Register (Register with geological information, subsoil infrastructure and users’ rights) Vehicles Register (Register on vehicles and their owners) Wiesbaden Group, Tallinn, 27-30 september 2010
System of Base Registers sound juridical basis authentic and non-authentic information obligatory use of authentic information compulsory feedback Wiesbaden Group, Tallinn, 27-30 september 2010
Wiesbaden Group, Tallinn, 27-30 september 2010 New Trade Register New law: juni 2008 on every company and legal economic entity authentic (name, address,…) and non-authentic (Nace-code,…) information fiscal number Wiesbaden Group, Tallinn, 27-30 september 2010
Wiesbaden Group, Tallinn, 27-30 september 2010 Extended coverage In addition to the current registration: ‘Public companies’: government institutions, hospitals and public schools. ‘Agriculture and fishing’: sole proprietor businesses or partnerships involving agriculture and fishing. 'Professions', for example doctors, architects and accountants. Partnerships intended for the professions. At this moment 95.5 % registered. The additional 4.5 % include public schools and companies that didn’t respond to earlier invitations. Wiesbaden Group, Tallinn, 27-30 september 2010
Wiesbaden Group, Tallinn, 27-30 september 2010 Transition Registration part implemented Output products in development Technical and content transition of the output products SN, Tax administration and CoC close cooperation Switch from use of source copy to event driven information Quality With the change to the new trade register also the technical system of the trade register changes. Tax office has great interest in a good quality, more then before. Wiesbaden Group, Tallinn, 27-30 september 2010
Insurance Policy Record Administration (IPA) Still in pre-base registration phase Contains Dutch employers, (ex)employees including labour relations monthly data Coordinated dataset of three main users: Institute of Employee Benefit Schemes, Tax Administration and SN Collection started in 2006 Quality feedback Compulsory feedback not yet in place. Who is employee where and how many hours are worked and how much salary is paid…. Wiesbaden Group, Tallinn, 27-30 september 2010
Wiesbaden Group, Tallinn, 27-30 september 2010 Employee data in chain Statistical output Wiesbaden Group, Tallinn, 27-30 september 2010
Ownership and control relations Electronic structured data: where is it? CoC? Only 100% Tax office? Register on fiscal entities > 95% and >50% If company annual account were submitted to the CoC in a structured electronic way we would have better access to these relations data. To come to an improved composition of enterprise and enterprise group we need >50% Better operationalization of the statistical units and improved matching of fiscal data with statistical data Wiesbaden Group, Tallinn, 27-30 september 2010
Quality of relations data Enterprise informed by letter on composition when reporting about more than one legal unit is requested. 2.7% contacted helpdesk mentioning errors Time lags Fiscal reasons Human error Events not yet reported to tax office General feedback to Tax office Wiesbaden Group, Tallinn, 27-30 september 2010
Wiesbaden Group, Tallinn, 27-30 september 2010 Concluding remarks Change from individual registers to system of registers takes time Increased interdependence of users leads to growing awareness of quality aspects Develop and use quality strategies: Compulsory feedback Close cooperation with register owner Compulsory feedback will be driven from reactions of the individuals- companies that are faced with errors in information. Avoid feedback on individual data to non statistical institutes Change in culture Wiesbaden Group, Tallinn, 27-30 september 2010