Literacy- Commas LG: I understand there a different rules when using commas. I can apply these rules to my own writing.
Rate yourself GANAG I don’t know much about this. I think I know a little bit about this. I know all I need to know about this. I know this so well I could teach others ALL about this.
APK Turn and talk about what you remember about the different uses of commas.
Commas REMEMBER: A comma is a punctuation mark. It tells us to take a brief pause when we are reading – not as long as a full stop. It is the most common punctuation mark but has to be used carefully. Here are some more rules for commas.
Dates We use a comma to separate the day and the year in a date. February 19, 2002 August 9, 1999 November 11, 1971
Cities and States We use a comma to separate the name of a city from state or country. Melbourne, Victoria Orlando, Florida Sydney, New South Wales Los Angeles, California
Comma’s in a letter A comma should follow the greeting in letters. Dear Mr. Hays, End the closing of a letter with a comma. Best wishes, Your friend, Love,
Commas after introductory words We use a commas after an introductory word in a sentence, like firstly, however, clearly, finally. Finally, we get to go outside. Clearly, it’s important that we wear sunscreen outside. Unfortunately, we won’t have enough time to go to the park.
Numbers We also use commas to break up groups of numbers into thousands. 1,456 4,567 12,456 45,687 456,345 1,999,999
Inside Quotation Marks We use comma’s before or after speech in a sentence “I went to the beach,” said Brian. Samantha asked, “Why did you do that?” “Lets go to the zoo,” exclaimed Fred. Anthony moaned, “I don’t want to go to bed!”
Application Complete the activity on the next page and practise using commas in different contexts.
Rate yourself GANAG I don’t know much about this. I think I know a little bit about this. I know all I need to know about this. I know this so well I could teach others ALL about this.
Reflection Commas are important because… I know now… I’m still confused about…