Our IAB & Digital Library Journey... Presented by: The Val Verde USD Team
Who? Director of Assessment & Accountability: Provided multiple trainings and supports Administrator’s Role: Directive to administer at LEAST one IAB in ELA and Math Instructional Coach’s role: Facilitated trainings on IAB’s Assisted teachers through data and item analysis and future planning Teacher Teams Utilized IAB’s and the Digital Library to drive instruction and prepare for the summative assessment Students Gained knowledge of how to navigate the Smarter Balanced Platform and item types. Exposure to rigor of content knowledge
Why? Evaluate student knowledge and skill to inform teaching and learning Formative/Summative Assessment Format trumps content knowledge When students understand the item type and format, they then can focus on the content IABs give teachers the most accurate window into how a claim or target will be assessed. Allows students to try out different accessibility supports, which helps teachers determine which supports are best To become aware of the rigorous academic vocabulary used with the summative assessment Add visual of Practice Test/Training Test Question
Why? Students must practice with the same intensity they will face on game day. “I find the IAB’s very useful because although we teach and practice the standards throughout the year, the IAB’s provide questions that are phrased in a way similar to the SBAC test. In addition, like I tell my scholars, “Practice like it’s real, so when it’s real it will feel like practice.” - Lilac Stahley, 3rd/4th Combo Grade Teacher “It’s the closest thing to the actual test.”- Ashley Penaloza “The IAB’s helps us remember what we learned about earlier in the school year.”- Maniah Nava (student) “When we get stuck on IAB’s, our teacher can help us with it, but on the REAL TEST, we know that’s not possible for our teacher to do.” -Evelyn Morales (student) “The IAB’s are like the practice test that helps our brain remember all the things we’ve learned about all year.”- Victoria Ramos (student) W
How? TIME? Start Small Teachers aim to administer 1 IAB in ELA or Math Grade Level teams met with Administration/IC to analyze data, discuss student strengths and weaknesses, and next steps for student success Teacher teams became intrigued when they were made aware of the detailed data they received from IAB results: Student Responses Item type DOK Level Answer Key Exemplars TIME? Use as a morning warm up, using the Interim Viewing System, doing a few problems a day Agreed upon common assessments- replaces unit assessment Allow time for student collaboration
Systems for Collaboration & Data Analysis: Build district and site systems that provide regular time to collaborate, analyze IAB results, and develop instructional resources Possible ways to provide time for PLC: Administration arranges classroom coverage for multiple grade levels Rotations (outside/inside) Student Assembly One process that could be used: Teacher teams meet an hour weekly, during PLC to collaborate on best practices Then, teachers return to classrooms, implement new knowledge and strategies Administer another IAB The cycle continues...
Steps for Student Success Prior to using an IAB, teachers use the training test to familiarize students with different item types One example of how it may work: Teachers give IAB cold, then analyze data by: (Could take place during PLCs) Sorting by most questions missed Viewing student answers to see thinking (wrong answer analysis) Use item deconstruction with students to address lack of format or content knowledge Give the IAB again Students calculate growth between the two assessments using the student score report
Links to Helpful Resources: IAB Training Presentation for Teachers How to Analyze your IAB data CASSPP Data Talk-Site Planning Day Presentation for Teachers Essential Standards Template for PLC Planning How ICAs and IABs are Being Used in Val Verde Unified