Hamartology The Depravity of Sin
While most men are quick to disclaim personal depravity, they are loathe to stop the practice of personal depravity. The difficulty for most in understanding the depraved nature of sin is the inherent tendency of mankind to make comparisons. The problem is not so much the need to use comparisons in order to further understanding. The problem is the use of the wrong basis for comparison. As long as people compare themselves to other people they will always find an excuse for their own behavior. The point of comparison is much too low.
Sin Offends the Holiness of God A low view of God always produces a diminished view of the seriousness of sin! It is not surprising that the byproduct of liberal theology, in which the person of God is divorced from His self-revelation in the Bible, has been an increased toleration of vice in every form. In contrast, the Bible consistently emphasizes the absolute holiness of God. In fact God is completely intolerant of sin in any form. (Hab. 1:13)
The only way to properly evaluate the heinous character of sin is to see it in comparison the brilliant holiness of God. Sin is ever the extreme opposite of everything that God is in character, and of all that God demands as sovereign. (Isa. 6:1-5) Sin is just as sordid, ugly, and wicked in the extreme as God is perfect, holy, just, and righteous in the opposite extreme. In the eyes of God, sin is never relative, categorical, or justifiable. All sin, in every form, is eternally offensive.
Sin is Detrimental to God’s Creation One the immediate consequences of the Fall of man was an upheaval in the harmony of nature. The animal world degenerated to a prey – predator relationship. The ground was cursed and life became hard. (Gen. 3:17-19) Instead of utilizing the physical world so as to bring glory to God, man has sought to exploit God’s resources for his own gratification.
The Results of Sin the World Rampant violence – Genesis 6:11,12 Moral decadence – Galatians 5:19-21 Disrespect for Property – Hosea 4:1,2 Disrespect for Life – Psalm 10:2-10 The horrific downward spiral of fallen man is a continuous testimony to the depravity of his nature under the control sin. (Rom. 1:18-32)
Sin Has and Will Increase until the End of the Age There is a sense in which man is as fallen as he ever was. The depravity of sin has impacted every part of his being including his mind, his body, and his spirit. His volition has been corrupted and in his natural state man is intent upon evil continually. (Genesis 6:5) No one fully realizes the evil to which he might stoop if all constraints were removed from his life.
There are many factors which add to the increase of evil in our world There are many factors which add to the increase of evil in our world. All men are sinners and the more men that populate the world, the more sin will increase. Further, the spirit of the age (the spirit of Antichrist) increases the rebellion of men against God. (2 Tim. 3:13; 2 Thess. 2:3-12) The approaching end of the age is a time of increasing spiritual darkness. Truth is set aside in favor of satanic lies. Without the restraint of truth, fallen men cannot be constrained from their evil. (2 Pet. 2:1,2,10-22)
Sin is incorrigible. It taints everything it touches and destroys everything of value. It cannot be rehabilitated. It cannot be controlled. It is also insatiable which means that it is never satisfied. The depravity of sin does not release its hold upon people even though they have been converted. The conflict between the new nature received in Christ and the old nature received through Adam continues throughout the believer’s lifetime. (Rom. 7)