Strong Pitch Angle Scattering and the Kennel-Petschek Limit D. N. Baker LASP – CU/Boulder
The Kennel-Petschek Limit In 1966 paper, for electrons: ER = E0 W/w (1 - w/W)2 E0 = B2/8pn J*(> ER)= [(1-E0/ER)/(A-E0/ER)] x 1010B lnG/l J* (> 40 keV) ~ 7 x 1010/L4 (cm-2 s-1)
Electron Flux and Riometer Comparisons [Baker et al., GRL, 1979]
Pitch Angle Evolution
Flux and Riometer Comparison
Summary of Flux Limits
Peak Fluxes vs. Riometer Intensity
Local Times of Strong Diffusion
Solar Wind Speed Dependence