ELA Assessments Text-driven Standards-based Open-ended questions Rubrics December 10, 2018
ELA Assessments 8th grade 1st grade December 10, 2018
How to Create a Reading Assessment Reread the designated unit standards with a text in mind. Draft a question for each standard. Draft rubric criteria for proficiency for each question/standard. Take the test! Compare answers & revise criteria for proficiency. Complete the criteria for remaining rubric levels. December 10, 2018
Step 1: Reread the designated unit standards with a text in mind. Grade 3 -- Unit 2 -- Standards: RL.3.1, RL.3.2, RL.3.3, RL.3.7 December 10, 2018
Step 2: Draft a question for each standard. Grade 3 -- Unit 2 -- Standards: RL.3.1, RL.3.2, RL.3.3 RL.3.2 Recount stories, including fables, folktales, and myths from diverse cultures; determine the central message, lesson, or moral and explain how it is conveyed through key details in the text. QUESTION: What is the lesson or message in Sebastian’s Roller Skates? (Use key details from the beginning, middle, and end of the story to explain this lesson.) It’s okay to add supports to the question to ensure that students know what’s expected in an answer! December 10, 2018
Step 3: Draft rubric criteria for proficiency for each question/standard. QUESTION: What is the lesson or message in Sebastian’s Roller Skates? (Use key details from the beginning, middle, and end of the story to explain this lesson.) 1 2 3 PROFICIENT 4 Criteria Identifies a relevant lesson or message Supports the lesson with key story events December 10, 2018
Step 4: Take the test! QUESTION: What is the lesson or message in Sebastian’s Roller Skates? (Use key details from the beginning, middle, and end of the story to explain this lesson.) Think: What does a proficient (level 3) response look like at this grade level? December 10, 2018
Step 5: Compare answers and revise criteria for proficiency. QUESTION: What is the lesson or message in Sebastian’s Roller Skates? (Use key details from the beginning, middle, and end of the story to explain this lesson.) What do my partners write as level 3 examples? What qualities am I noticing? Which answer best matches the criteria? December 10, 2018
Step 5: Compare answers and revise criteria for proficiency. 1 2 4 QUESTION: What is the lesson or message in Sebastian’s Roller Skates? (Use key details from the beginning, middle, and end of the story to explain this lesson.) 1 2 3 PROFICIENT 4 Criteria Identifies a relevant lesson or message Frames the lesson in a way that can be applied to multiple texts Supports Explains the lesson with key story events from the beginning, middle, and end Uses key details to elaborate upon each event December 10, 2018
Step 6: Complete the rubric criteria for the remaining levels (1, 2, & 4) QUESTION: What is the lesson or message in Sebastian’s Roller Skates? (Use key details from the beginning, middle, and end of the story to explain this lesson.) 1 2 3 PROFICIENT 4 Criteria Does not identify a relevant lesson Provides events that may not match the lesson Identifies a relevant lesson May make the lesson specific to the text Provides some story events from B, M, and E Identifies a relevant lesson or message Frames the lesson in a way that can be applied to multiple texts Supports Explains the lesson with key story events from the beginning, middle, and end Uses key details to elaborate on each event All of 3, plus: Includes key character traits, feelings, and changes Adds character interpretation Try to avoid “deficit language” in your level 2. Instead of telling what the student can’t do, try to name what they CAN do. December 10, 2018
Let’s Review: Reread the designated unit standards with a text in mind. Draft a question for each standard. Draft rubric criteria for proficiency for each question/standard. Take the test! Compare answers & revise criteria for proficiency. Complete the criteria for remaining rubric levels. December 10, 2018
Your Turn: Reread the designated unit standards with a text in mind. Draft a question for each standard. Draft rubric criteria for proficiency for each question/standard. Take the test! Compare answers & revise criteria for proficiency. Complete the criteria for remaining rubric levels. Let’s start here! December 10, 2018
Step 2: Draft a question for each standard. Grade 3 -- Unit 2 -- Standards: RL.3.1, RL.3.2, RL.3.3 RL.3.3: Describe characters in a story (e.g., their traits, motivations, or feelings) and explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of events. QUESTION: Remember: It’s okay to add supports to the question to ensure that students know what’s expected in an answer! December 10, 2018
Step 2: Draft a question for each standard. Grade 3 -- Unit 2 -- Standards: RL.3.1, RL.3.2, RL.3.3 RL.3.3: Describe characters in a story (e.g., their traits, motivations, or feelings) and explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of events. QUESTION: Sebastian changed from the beginning of the story to the end. Describe Sebastian at the end of the story. What made him this way? Remember: It’s okay to add supports to the question to ensure that students know what’s expected in an answer! December 10, 2018
Step 3: Draft rubric criteria for proficiency for each question/standard. QUESTION: Sebastian changed from the beginning of the story to the end. Describe Sebastian at the end of the story. What made him this way? 1 2 3 PROFICIENT 4 Criteria December 10, 2018
Step 4: Take the test! QUESTION: Sebastian changed from the beginning of the story to the end. Describe Sebastian at the end of the story. What made him this way? Think: What does a proficient (level 3) response look like at this grade level? December 10, 2018
Step 5: Compare answers and revise criteria for proficiency. 1 2 4 QUESTION: Sebastian changed from the beginning of the story to the end. Describe Sebastian at the end of the story. What made him this way? 1 2 3 PROFICIENT 4 Criteria December 10, 2018
Steps 5 & 6 Protocol: In teams of 3: Pass & read each teammate’s answer, adding to or revising the “3” column Come to consensus on a level 3 exemplar & criteria Which answer best matches the criteria? Complete the rubric criteria for levels 1, 2 and 4 December 10, 2018
Step 6: Complete the rubric criteria for the remaining levels (1, 2, & 4) 1 2 3 PROFICIENT 4 Criteria All of 3, plus: Try to avoid “deficit language” in your level 2. Instead of telling what the student can’t do, try to name what they CAN do. December 10, 2018
How to Create a Reading Assessment Reread the designated unit standards with a text in mind. Draft a question for each standard. Draft rubric criteria for proficiency for each question/standard. Take the test! Compare answers & revise criteria for proficiency. Complete the criteria for remaining rubric levels. December 10, 2018
What’s Next? Scope & sequences that identify exact standards to use in planning assessments Lists of titles to use for assessment-planning Time to work in grade level teams on Saturday, April 28th! December 10, 2018