Olive The Other Reindeer
Every day, rain or shine, Olive took herself on a walk Every day, rain or shine, Olive took herself on a walk. It happened to be a blustery winter day and as usual, Olive was out taking her own little doggy walk. Walking herself past many shop windows filled with toys, she heard the music over the speakers.
“All of the other reindeer…” Not knowing the rest of the words, she began to hum along.
Back at her dog house wrapping gifts, Olive heard the same song on the radio.
“Wait, Olive…the reindeer? I thought I was a dog! “All of the other reindeer…” went the song. “Olive, the other reindeer…” sang Olive. “Wait, Olive…the reindeer? I thought I was a dog!
Carefully setting down her scissors, Olive marched out the door. Olive remembered how it was the time of year when all of the reindeer usually are out helping Santa. Carefully setting down her scissors, Olive marched out the door.
She hopped on the train…
… then took two taxis…
…and finally got to the North Pole …and finally got to the North Pole. Santa was making a list and checking it twice, and the reindeer and sleigh were all ready to go. All ready to go!
Now Olive took her place in line Now Olive took her place in line. Santa noticed a small dog in line with all his reindeer. Santa knows lots about dogs, and he knew that they can’t fly. But he decided to give Olive a chance
And the reindeer lifted off to deliver toys to all the boys and girls And the reindeer lifted off to deliver toys to all the boys and girls. But they were very curious about their new helper…and weren’t watching where they were going…
They flew smack into a tree They flew smack into a tree. Though slowing them down a little, Olive was able to chew their way out and all the good children received their gifts for Christmas.
I can’t see the way! On their way back to the North Pole, Santa and his sleigh go stuck in fog. Remembering that dogs are expert smellers, and not wanting to miss Mrs. Claus’ Christmas morning breakfast, he spoke to Olive.
Olive, I don’t want to miss Mrs. Claus’ cooking, especially her cookies. I can almost smell them now. Can’t you? Mmmmm!” Will you guide my sleigh?
With Olive at the front of the pack, his expert smelling and Mrs With Olive at the front of the pack, his expert smelling and Mrs. Claus’ delicious cookies got Santa and all his reindeer safely back to the North Pole.
The End By Robin Klaus