Brîff 7 Munud - Esgeuluso Pobl Ifanc Adolescent Neglect - 7 Minute Briefing
1. BETH YDYW? 1. WHAT IS IT? Mae Gweithio Gyda’n Gilydd yn diffinio esgeulustod fel ‘methiant parhaus i fodloni anghenion sylfaenol a/neu seicolegol plentyn, sy’n debygol o arwain at niwed difrifol i iechyd neu ddatblygiad y plentyn’. Mae yna ddealltwriaeth eang o effaith esgeulustod ar ddiogelwch a lles plant ieuengach, ond mae esgeuluso pobl ifanc, i’r gwrthwyneb, wedi cael llai o sylw. Mae ymchwil Cymdeithas y Plant, a gafodd ei wneud gyda 2,000 o bobl ifanc 12-15 oed, wedi’u holi am eu profiadau o dderbyn gofal. Roedd gan yr arolwg gwestiynau am gefnogaeth addysgol ac emosiynol, gofal corfforol, goruchwylio, lles goddrychol ac ymddygiad cymryd risgiau. Working Together defines neglect as ‘the persistent failure to meet a child’s basic and/or psychological needs, likely to result in the serious impairment of the child’s health or development’. There is widespread understanding of the impact of neglect on the safety & welfare of younger children but neglect of adolescents has, by contrast, had less recognition. Children’s Society research, conducted with 2,000 young people aged 12–15, asked about their experiences of being cared for. The survey had questions on educational & emotional support, physical care, supervision, subjective well-being & risk taking behaviour.
2. Pam ei fod yn bwysig 2. Why it matters Mae nifer o astudiaethau wedi herio rhagdybiaeth eang y gall pobl ifanc fod yn fwy gwydn i gamdriniaeth neu esgeulustod na phlant iau - nid yw effaith camdriniaeth yn dirywio yn ôl yr oedran y mae'n digwydd, ac mae llawer o bobl ifanc yn cario etifeddiaeth o gam-drin hir-sefydlog ac esgeuluso gyda nhw. Mae pobl ifanc sy'n dioddef camdriniaeth yn ystod y glasoed yn unig yn arddangos ystod o ganlyniadau negyddol, cyn gryfed o leiaf â rhai plant a ddioddefodd camdriniaeth yn unig yn ystod plentyndod Several studies have challenged a widely-held assumption that young people may be more resilient to abuse or neglect than younger children – the impact of maltreatment does not decline with the age at which it is experienced and many adolescents carry the legacy of long- standing abuse and neglect with them. Young people who experience maltreatment only during adolescence display a range of negative outcomes at least as strong as those of children who experience maltreatment only during childhood
3. Gwybodaeth 3. Information Mae'n hanfodol bod ymarferwyr yn deall effaith esgeulustod a sut i gefnogi pobl ifanc a'u teuluoedd yn well, lle mae esgeulustod yn digwydd. Nododd Ages of Concern, adolygiad thematig Ofsted o SCR, amrediad y ffactorau risg sy'n wynebu pobl ifanc yn eu harddegau, a oedd yn cwmpasu ffactorau fel dieithrio oddi wrth eu teuluoedd; anawsterau ysgol; problemau llety; cam-drin / ecsbloetio gan oedolion; diweithdra; camddefnyddio cyffuriau ac alcohol; anawsterau emosiynol ac iechyd meddwl; cam-drin domestig yn y cartref; ymatebion i brofedigaeth; a risgiau sy'n deillio o oedolion yn camddefnyddio’r rhyngrwyd. It is essential that practitioners understand the impact of neglect and how to better support young people and their families where neglect occurs. Ages of Concern, an Ofsted thematic review of SCRs, noted the range of the risk factors facing teenagers, which encompassed factors such as alienation from their families; school difficulties; accommodation problems; abuse/exploitation by adults; unemployment; drug and alcohol misuse; emotional and mental health difficulties; domestic abuse in the home; reactions to bereavement; and risks arising from adults’ misuse of the internet.
4. Gwybodaeth 4. Information Mae plant sydd wedi profi esgeulustod yn fwy tebygol o fod ag arddulliau ymlyniad anhrefnus neu ansicr, a gallant ystyried perthnasau gofalgar a chefnogol yn frawychus neu'n ddryslyd. Gellir dehongli ymddygiad risg uchel fel 'dewisiadau ffordd o fyw' i oedolion, gan wrthod cefnogaeth addas i blant. Children who have experienced neglect are more likely to have disorganised or insecure attachment styles and may find caring and supportive relationships frightening or confusing. High risk behaviours can be interpreted as adult ‘lifestyle choices’ with the consequence of children being denied appropriate support.
5. Gwybodaeth 5. Information Mae yna fwy o risg o esgeulustod lle mae teulu’n cael ei arwain gan unig riant. Gall ailgyfansoddiad teuluoedd arwain at esgeulustod - e.e. bod tueddiad cynyddol i bobl ifanc gael eu gorfodi allan o'r cartref pan gyflwynir partner / llys-riant newydd Mae'n hysbys bod rhieni sy’n camddefnyddio alcohol / cyffuriau yn gysylltiedig ag esgeulustod Efallai y bydd pobl ifanc y mae eu rhieni'n dioddef o salwch meddwl fel iselder yn wynebu risg uwch o esgeulustod, fel y rhai sy'n byw mewn cartrefi lle mae cam-drin domestig There is a higher risk of neglect where a family is headed by a lone parent. The re-constitution of families can lead to neglect – e.g. an increased tendency for older adolescents to be forced out of home when a new partner/step-parent is introduced Parental alcohol/drug misuse is known to be associated with neglect Young people whose parents suffer from mental ill health such as depression may be at higher risk of neglect as may those living in households where there is domestic abuse
6. Cwestiynau 6. Questions Beth sy’n gwneud y person ifanc yn ddiamddiffyn? Beth sydd wrth wraidd y problemau ar yr wyneb? A oes gennych ddealltwriaeth glir o brofiadau’r person ifanc dros amser? A oes rhagdybiaeth y byddant yn gofyn am gymorth pan fyddant ei angen? A oes disgwyl i’r person ifanc ymddwyn/ymdopi fel oedolyn? A oes dealltwriaeth o normal yn erbyn cymryd risgiau niweidiol? Beth yw safbwyntiau’r person ifanc/i ba raddau y clywir eu llais? What makes the young person vulnerable? What are the root causes of surface problems? Do you have a clear understanding of the young person’s experiences over time? Is there an assumption that they will ask for help if they need it? Is the young person being expected to behave/cope as an adult? Is there an understanding of normal versus harmful risk taking? What are the views of the young person/to what extent has their voice been heard?
7. Beth i’w wneud? 7. What to do? Defnyddiwch y Proffil Gofal Graddedig i Bobl Ifanc er mwyn asesu esgeulustod. Byddwch yn rhagweithiol a dyfalbarhaus. Mae perthnasoedd cadarnhaol yn allweddol. Canolbwyntiwch ar hunan-barch a helpu pobl ifanc i ddatblygu ymdeimlad o reolaeth. Use the Adolescent Graded Care Profile to assess neglect. Be proactive and persistent. Positive relationships are key. Focus on self-esteem and helping young people to develop a sense of agency and control.