Poetry Autobiographical and Diamante
Autobiographical Poem A poem focused on yourself. Structure: Line 1: __ Your name Line 2: _, _, _ 3 personal characteristics or physical traits Line 3: Brother or sister of__ or son/daughter of Line 4: Who loves__, __, and __ 3 people, things, ideas Line 5: Who feels__ about__1 emotion about 1 thing Line 6: Who needs__, __, and __ 3 things you need Line 7: Who gives __, __, and __3 objects you share Line 8: Who fears__, __, and __3 items Line 9: Who'd like to see, __1 place, or person Line 10: Who dreams of __ 1 item or idea Line 11: A student of__ your school or teacher's name Line 12: __ Nickname or repeat your first name
Example: Line 1. John Line 2. small, playful, and caring Line 3. Son of Fred and Josie, brother to Albert. Line 4. Who loves horses, dogs, and cars. Line 5. Who feels excited about riding horses. Line 6. Who needs to always have his teddy near him, his pillow to sleep on and a snack in his bag. Line 7. Who gives his brother a hand, his parents a pain in the neck and his friends a giggle. Line 8. Who fears spending time in the principal's office, snakes and being sick over the holidays. Line 9. Who’d like to see the Grand Canyon, more stars at night and have more money in his wallet. Line 10.Who dreams of becoming a cowboy. Line 11. A student of Nashville Public School. Line 12. Stanley.
Diamante Poem: A diamante poem is a poem in the shape of a diamond. Each line uses specific types of words like adjectives and “ing” words. It does not have to rhyme. There are two types of diamante poems: synonym and antonym. Line 1: Noun or subject - one word Line 2: Two Adjectives that describe line 1 Line 3: Three “ing” words that describe line 1 Line 4: Four nouns - the first two are connected with line 1; the last two are connected with line 7 Line 5: Three “ing” words that describe line 7 Line 6: Two adjectives that describe line 7 Line 7: Noun Synonym for the subject
Synonym diamante poem: Describes only one topic
Antonym Diamante Poem: Shows the difference between two opposite topics.
Your Assignment Using the templates for Autobiographical and Diamante poems, create your own poem in honor of Mother’s Day. You may choose either Autobiographical or Diamante style. Create the poem for a mother/guardian that plays a significant role in your life. (Example: Mother, Grandmother, Aunt, God Mother, Step- Mother, etc.)