Dr. Clem Guthro, Director of the Colby College Libraries MSCS Project Co-PI Maine Shared Collections Strategy: Print Archive Network Update
Academic Libraries University of Maine, University of Southern Maine, and 5 small campuses Colby, Bates and Bowdoin University of New England 7 Community Colleges Small private colleges (Unity, Thomas, St. Josephs, College of the Atlantic, Maine Maritime Academy, Maine College of Art, Husson, Beal, Kaplan) The Library Context in Maine
Public Libraries 265 public libraries 2 flagship publics –Bangor and Portland 150 with collections smaller than 20,000 vols Maine State Library Maine Law and Legislative Reference Library Special Libraries 23 hospital libraries 2 Independent Labs (Jackson and Bigelow) The Library Context in Maine
Maine InfoNet MaineCat – Statewide catalog Marvel – Statewide databases Larger Libraries 9 largest libraries in Maine Directors meet twice a year Annual staff development day CBB (Colby, Bates, Bowdoin) Cooperative collection development Common loan periods & 6 day a week delivery State-wide delivery million items/year The Library Context in Maine
Larger Libraries Group- 9 largest collections Long tradition of collaboration and trust (100 years) Most libraries were running out of space and unlikely to get additional space The collections of the Larger Libraries Group represent ¾ of the print collections in Maine Wanted a shared approach to managing legacy print collections for the long term Looking to be leaders in the print collection space IMLS Grant background
IMLS Grant & Project Partners 2 public universities, 3 private colleges, state library, 2 public libraries, 1 state-wide library consortium
$821,000 three year grant to create a shared print collections strategy Create a collection analysis system to analyze the collections and assist in decision making Examine the presence of large scale digital collections (Hathi Trust and Internet Archive) as a determiner of what to keep in print Integrate Print on Demand for large scale digital collections where local print copies are unavailable Integrate Electronic on Demand for large scale digital collections IMLS Grant – The original
Focus is monographs and journals (Government document are excluded) The goal is to determine which volumes should be retained long term and by whom Develop a method to make retention decisions at scale Libraries may discard materials or not once retention decisions are made (downsizing is not the predominant focus) Provide a framework for other libraries to participate once the initial grant period is complete Expose our retention decisions to the world Be part of the emerging national conversation Grant focus
Build on the collaboration that is a norm in Maine Help faculty and the public to think of our libraries as collaborative partners in building and preserving collections We wanted the emphasis to be on print retention and not on weeding. Our message to our community is that we are preserving the print heritage in Maine. We wanted to capitalize on the robust physical delivery system and tradition of sharing to help us Political Goals
Wanted a sustainable business model Wanted a formal Memorandum of Understanding to guide the ongoing work. Wanted a governance and operational structure that was light weight but workable Governance and Business
Project Management Project Team Contracted Systems Librarian Directors Council Collections Committee Technical Services and Systems Committee National Advisory Board
Data Wrangling OCLC reclamation OCLC WorldCat Collection Analysis Sustainable Collections Services 2.9 Million records
Scenario 1- Commit to Retain Held by 1 or 2 libraries (1,076,188 titles/1,258,195 items) Retain copies if any circulation or reserve activity Retain protected category copies even if no circulation (Maine and/or institution specific items) Retain Special Collections/Archives copies even if no circulation Retain unique in OCLC (only 0 9 copies in OCLC) even if no circulation Compare remaining 0 circulation copies with both HathiTrust and Internet Archive – Needs further examination
Scenario 1- Further refinements Scenario 1 titles split into two groups Titles with a single item record per bib record approximately 900,000 items (about 91% of the titles and 78% of the items) (Commit to retain) Titles with multiple item records per bib record approximately 100,000 items (about 9% of the titles and 22% of the items) – Needs further examination Divide these further into multi volume sets and multiple copies and add to Needs further examination
Next Steps Get MOUs signed Add 583 Commitments in our local catalogs and create LHRs to load these holdings to OCLC – about 900,000 titles ready to go. Integrate retention commitments into MaineCat
Next Steps… Examine the Needs further examination group Develop criteria for the remaining part of the collection that has 3+ holdings. Join the Hathi Trust Integrate Print on Demand and E on Demand Work on journals See how our project plays with the newly evolving North East Regional Print Library Management Project