Slogan Senior A 595201462 Tiffany.


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Presentation transcript:

Slogan Senior A 595201462 Tiffany

Every cases tell a story. When the customers use the luggage of the company, they would have their own stories. Because they go around the world.

城市,是我的咖啡館 In Taiwan, there are many 7-11 stores. Thus, the customers can buy coffee any place.

鑽石恆久遠一顆永留傳 The slogan symbolizes love. The diamond is very solid, and it also can be said that the love would never change.

喜歡嗎?爸爸買給你 It is a lottery’s advertisement. It tells people that every one can have dream by buying lottery.

沒關係,你可以再靠近一點 The product is cosmetic production. After people use the product, they do not fear that other people would stand close to you. And you would have confidence.