Challenges of Achieving Best Evidence (ABE) In Child Sexual Abuse Cases How young is too Young? Ann Stuart MBE Independent Safeguarding Consultant and Trainer
Very young children Competence of Child Secrets Assessment required either by intermediary or interviewer What can be achieved? - Chardonais
The older child Competence Fear Loyalty to perpetrator More attuned to consequences of telling Sense of embarrassment Self blame / feeling responsible for the abuse They have been groomed not to tell Worried about not being believed External emotional stressors Children ‘testing’ the officer or S/W if they can be trusted
Reality Children, as young as 2 years one month, can give evidence about their experiences when appropriately supported and questioned by an appropriately trained and competent adult 4 year old who witnessed their sister being raped by their father 3 year old witnessed her mother being murdered by mothers boyfriend