Scientific Method NOTES Notes taken from Prentice hall life and earth science, 2009
Introduction When you observe something and ask a question about it, you are beginning to think like a scientist. When scientists (or you!) set about answering the question steps are followed. These steps are known as the Scientific Method. The steps can go in any order, but they are usually followed as shown below:
Asking a Question The scientific method (or inquiry) often begins with a problem or question about an observation.
Developing a Hypothesis A hypothesis is a possible explanation for a set of observations or answer to a scientific question. In science, a hypothesis must be testable. Research is also done at this time to help formulate a hypothesis. Hypotheses are typically written with an “if . . . then . . . because” format. Example: If I drink sour milk, then I will throw up because it tastes gross.
Designing an Experiment Scientists review their hypothesis and create a way to test it.
Collecting and Interpreting Data During the experiment, data will need to be collected. Data are the facts, figures, and other evidence gathered through observations.
Drawing Conclusions After you have gathered and interpreted your data, you can draw a conclusion about your hypothesis. You may decide that the data supports your hypothesis, no further testing is needed. You may decide though, that your data does not support your hypothesis and that more testing is required.
Communicating This is the sharing of ideas and experimental findings with others through writing and speaking. Here are some ways that scientists share their findings: they give talks at scientific meetings, exchange information on the internet, or publish articles in scientific journals.