Palestinian Israeli issues
The Issues We’re going to discuss the 5 obstacles to peace. These will be the exact obstacles that you’ll have to resolve during your peace talks simulation. How the simulation will work: First, you’ll have to come up with a peace proposal with your group. Then you’ll be negotiating with the other side to try to come up with a peaceful solution. Try to be creative and come up with innovative solutions!
One-state or Two-state Solution? One state solution: The belief that Israelis and Palestinians should all live together harmoniously in one country. Find a way to set aside differences and just stop fighting. They could share the holy sites in Jerusalem and all have voting privileges. Problems: Very soon Palestinians will outnumber Jews in Israel/Palestine. Defeats the purpose of a Jewish state that will protect the Jewish people.
Two State Solution Split Israel/Palestine into two separate countries – One for the Israelis and one for the Palestinians. Many obstacles to this approach What happens to the Jewish settlements in the West Bank? Who controls Jerusalem and the Temple Mount? Do Palestinians displaced in 1947 get to return? How can Israel security be guaranteed? Palestinian state split in two
Settlements Many Israelis currently live in the West Bank in walled-off, heavily fortified settlements. They do this because they believe it is their land, for either historical or religious reasons. They also control resources, like water sources or farmland.
Settlements Palestinians see this as yet another example of Israeli theft of their land. They already took so much in 1947, why do they need more? Leaves the worst land for Palestinians who struggle to make a living out of dry, desert areas. Often divides Palestinian land with roads and fences that cut farmers off from their fields.
Settlers Settlers were removed from Gaza by Israeli troops in 2005. Jewish settlers are armed to the teeth and many have vowed to fight against the Israeli Army rather than leave their homes.
What’s the solution to settlements? If we create a Palestinian state, what happens to the settlers in the West Bank? Should Jewish families be forcefully removed from the West Bank? Or should they become citizens of a Palestinian state? Should there be land swaps? What other solutions might your character accept?
Right of Return Many Palestinians want to return to their homes they abandoned in 1947. Should Israel allow refugees to return to their homes from 1947? What do you think about Israel paying reparations to Palestinians that were forcefully removed? How many refugees should be allowed to return? How will this affect the Jewishness of Israel?
Right of Return Population of Israel: 8 million Arabs living in Israel: 1 million Jews living in Israel: 7 million Population of West Bank and Gaza: 4.4 million. 800,000 left in 1947 war, of whom roughly 30,000 are still alive. Their descendants are about 5 million, if you include those who fled to Jordan, Syria, Egypt and Lebanon. What should we do about these people?
Security Israel is very narrow at certain points. Could they defend themselves adequately if constrained to such narrow borders? Israel wants to militarily control the Jordan valley. What if Iran or Hamas put rockets right on their borders in the West Bank overlooking all of the Israel’s most populated areas?
Security Wall After the 2nd Intifada was under way, Israel started building this wall to stop Palestinians from entering Israel and conducting suicide bombings. Used to control movement of Palestinian people. Divides families, neighbors, villages, farmers from their fields. Huge obstacle that makes life very difficult for Palestinians.
Security Wall In addition, it doesn’t exactly follow the pre-1967 borders. It encroaches on Palestinian land in many places. Do we take it down or leave it up? Does its path become the new borders?
Jerusalem Both Israelis and Palestinians claim Jerusalem as their capital. How do we split control between the two groups? Or do they somehow share it? Who controls the Temple Mount?