Proposal #3: Expand ITER rampdown cases C. Kessel, PPPL Remaining in H-mode Keep power as high as possible, for as long as possible in rampdown Step downs in power with H-L-H transitions Find power where full back transition occurs, H-L Ideally control density drop at different rates (probably not possible in H-mode) H/L-mode combined rampdowns, varying transition time Vary dIp/dt Vary dn/dt L-mode rampdowns (power to zero at end of flattop) Explore vertical instability saturation of growth rate with rising li Plasmas diverted for all rampdowns, kappa reduction Explore fixed strike points, with and without good plasma match to midplane
Examine H-L-H “step down” in density with Ip and PICRF rampdown ICRF drops from 4 to 2 MW
ITER rampdown issues: n(t) H or L-mode Vertical stability Strike points/midplane coupling Remain diverted to very low Ip