Briefing session on Annual Reports 2016/17 to the Portfolio Committee on Rural Development and Land Reform 04 OTOBER 2017
PRESENTATION OUTLINE Program Purpose and Objectives Vision & Mission Summary of Service Delivery Achievement Financial Performance Expenditure per Item Expenditure per Province Expenditure breakdown between Backlog & new claims Human Resource Statistics Employment equity per race & gender Employment & vacancies Claims lodged during the 1st Quarter 2016/17
PROGRAMME PURPOSE Programme Purpose The Restitution Programme exists to facilitate the settlement of claims, and providing restitution or equitable redress to victims of racially motivated land dispossession, in line with the provisions of the Restitution of Land Rights Act, 1994 (Act No. 22 of 1994), as amended. We contribute to the DRDLR strategic goal: “Equitable access to and sustainable use of land for development promoted”
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES The strategic objective 1: Land rights restored - Facilitate the restoration of land rights and alternative forms of equitable redress - Equitable land dispensation and agrarian reform The strategic objective 2: Redress land rights lost after 1913 - Solicit and receive new land claims
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES The strategic objective 3: Internal Improved governance and service delivery - Organisational change management - Contribute to a dedicated, loyal, result oriented, professional and people focused workforce The strategic objective 4: External Improved customer satisfaction and communication - Communication on performance & plans are properly communicated - The objective will promote openness and transparency
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES The strategic objective 5: Internal Clear Organisational mandate & Business Process supported by Resources - Operational processes defined and implemented effectively - This objective will increase productivity and accountability The strategic objective 6: External Improved information & project management - Claims management electronically and information produced - will improve reporting & responsiveness & promote service delivery
Vision & MISSION Vision A Commission of excellence that ensures that effective, efficient and speedy redress is provided to victims of racially based land dispossessions. Mission We exist to provide redress to victims of racially motivated land dispossession, in line with the provisions of the Restitution of Land Rights Act, 1994 (Act No 22 of 1994), as amended.
Summary of SERVICE DELIVERY ACHIEVEMENTS Operational Budget The CRLR spent 100% of its operational budget in the 2016/2017 financial year which includes: 100% expenditure on the households. The latter being a total of R 2.7 billion that flowed to restitution beneficiaries in the form of land purchases, conveyancers, legal fees, financial compensation, and recapitalisation .
Summary of SERVICE DELIVERY ACHIEVEMENTS Hectares of land settled Further to the targets as set out in the APP, the CRLR can report that it settled 107,879 hectares of land Household and Female Headed Households 74,670 households of whom 6, 056 were Female Headed Households Since 1994 to date, in respect of the restitution programme, 3 389 727 hectares were restored.
SERVICE DELIVERY ACHIEVEMENTS The CRLR achieved the following targets : Settling 804 new claims against the target of 615 Finalising 672 claims against a target of 454 Approving 75 phased projects against a target of 76 Researching 1558 claims against target of 1530.
SERVICE DELIVERY ACHIEVEMENTS Performance per quarter were as follows: Quarter Beneficiaries Hectares Awarded Quarter 1 23,328 9,183.5374 Quarter 2 8,844 26,021.3505 Quarter 3 27,320 33,585.8082 Quarter 4 15,178 39,088.5098 TOTAL 74,670 107,879
SERVICE DELIVERY ACHIEVEMENTS Performance per quarter were as follows: Quarter Land cost Financial compensation Quarter 1 44,654,931 473,686,158 Quarter 2 261,056,595 162,320,284 Quarter 3 413,151,031 795,832,059 Quarter 4 363,608,641 431,071,060 TOTAL R1,082,471,199 R1,862,909,56295
PERFORMANCE AGAINST TARGETS Strategic Objective Performance Indicator Annual Target Achievement Actual Performance Variance Reasons Strategic Objective 1: Land Rights restored Number of land claims settled 615 804 + 189 Implementation of a Recovery Plan in Q 3 yielded the ff results: The LP office settled the Hendriksplaats Individuals claims which contributed 87 claims in Q3. The WC office settled the District 6 (245) Owners which contributed 245 claims in Q4 Number of land claims finalised 454 672 + 218 Alignment of the spending plan against the project registers Continuous monitoring of the approvals vs expenditure Able to finalise 357 claims in Quarter 4 against a target of 118. Number of phased projects approved 76 75 - 1 Implementation of a Recovery Plan in Q3 which resulted in the achievement 99% of the annual target.
PERFORMANCE AGAINST TARGETS Strategic Objective Performance Indicator Annual Target Achievement (Actual Performance) Variance Reasons Strategic Objective 1: Land Rights restored Number of claims lodged by 1998 to be researched 1530 1558 + 28 -Research Strategy in Q3 to make up the deficits of Q1 and Q2 which resulted in the Over performance in Q 3 and Q 4 -Research Summit held from 25-26 January 2017 which enhanced overall performance
SUMMARY OF SETTLED CLAIMS PROVINCE RURAL CLAIMS URBAN DISMISSED HHs BENEFICIARIES FHHs Ha LAND COST R’VALUE FIN COMP GRANTS TOTAL AWARD Eastern Cape 72 17 1 3419 27613 1258 1389.1076 10,287,214 702,710,933 - 712,998,147 Free State 3 346 892 146 2897.4743 24,800,000 12,753,730 37,553,730 Gauteng 24 702 2132 431 142.2412 4,892,721 27,093,458 31,986,179 KwaZulu-Natal 18 92 2454 11364 1425 6545.4148 247,405,622 423,387,970 670,793,593 Limpopo 115 7 1620 6386 719 18051.2975 168,503,317 262,720,049 29,179,061 460,402,427 Mpumalanga 68 6 993 10513 425 14854.5594 155,090,514 128,243,461 283,333,976 Northern Cape 12 2 22 1067 6563 440 43169.6447 212,144,484 139,070,984 351,215,468 North West 9 1347 4521 532 20827.2785 259,167,438 68,924,570 13,150,000 341,242,008 Western Cape 356 36 1148 4686 680 2.1879 179,888 98,004,402 98,184,291 TOTAL 321 483 88 13096 74670 6056 107879.2059 1,082,471,199 1,862,909,562 42,329,061 2,987,709,823
FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE The adjustment budget allocation was R3,168,208,000. The total expenditure was R3,331,114,000, against the final virement budget of R3,335,794,000. This is 99.9% of the allocated budget. A total amount of R2,781,985,961 was spent in 2016/17 on the finalisation of claims
Land Purchase & Land and Subsoil Financial Compensation EXPENDITURE PER HH’s Household Expenditure Summary per Province: Financial Year 2016/2017 R’ value Province Other Conveyancers Land Purchase & Land and Subsoil Legal Fees Financial Compensation Re-Cap/Grants TOTAL Eastern Cape 7 400 12 954 473 283 874 158 5 861 814 302 697 846 Free State 66 393 91 706 23 175 900 9 183 842 745 920 33 263 761 Gauteng 13 702 123 263 4 403 448 48 690 33 411 321 42 000 38 042 427 Kwazulu Natal 144 446 301 461 951 334 960 220 29 424 804 665 991 422 Limpopo 53 450 21 875 136 990 279 418 992 132 141 385 849 697 443 586 Mpumalanga 590 628 158 403 040 40 396 839 114 723 526 314 114 034 Northern Cape 50 000 150 178 148 702 472 136 062 150 90 816 285 055 617 North West 606 183 244 545 396 66 089 766 11 166 243 322 407 589 Western Cape 4 236 814 99 332 914 19 399 604 122 969 332 Total 190 946 1 728 282 1 034 873 776 1 422 303 345 322 840 577 2 781 985 618
Expenditure breakdown between Backlog and New Claims Province Expenditure - Claims approved prior 2016 Expenditure - Claims approved in 2016/17 Total Expenditure Eastern Cape 186 799 415 109 721 233 296 520 649 Free State 2 277 542 30 165 214 32 442 756 Gauteng 5 980 372 31 131 701 37 112 073 Kwazulu Natal 177 829 779 457 202 450 635 032 229 Limpopo 269 618 734 422 260 169 691 878 903 Mpumalanga 37 897 026 278 218 206 316 115 232 North West 123 022 234 154 688 905 277 711 140 Northern Cape 27 713 181 224 119 283 251 832 464 Western Cape 58 076 205 60 246 234 118 322 439 TOTAL 889 214 491 1 767 753 399 2 656 967 891
HUMAN RESOURCES STATISTICS Salary Levels African Coloured Indian White Total Female Male Level 15 1 Level 14 7 0 1 12 Level 13 3 13 2 22 Level 9-12 106 101 5 4 226 Level 7-8 123 105 10 246 Level 4-6 120 72 23 228 TOTAL 354 298 39 9 735
EMPLOYMENT EQUITY PER RACE AND GENDER African Female African Male Coloured Female Coloured Male Indian Female Indian Male White Female White Male Total Female Total Male 48% 41% 5% 1% 2% 55% 45%
EMPLOYMENT AND VACANCIES Office Number of funded vacant posts Number of posts filled % Vacancy rate Number of employees additional to establishment Total Head count Head Office 1 80 1% Eastern Cape 2 67 3% Free State 28 4% 4 32 Gauteng 64 0% KwaZulu-Natal 114 115 Limpopo 92 Mpumalanga 0.8% Northern Cape 35 North West 3 69 Western Cape 66 2% TOTAL 9 729 15% 6 735
Nomfundo Ntloko Gobodo Chief Land Claims Commissioner Thank You Nomfundo Ntloko Gobodo Chief Land Claims Commissioner