Ruisheng Diao, Renke Huang, Pavel Etingov, Henry Huang PNNL Development and Demonstration of a Phasor-Driven Tool for Adaptive Stability Model Calibration using GE PSLF Ruisheng Diao, Renke Huang, Pavel Etingov, Henry Huang PNNL Brian Thomas Juan Sanchez-Gasca GE Manu Parashar Krish Srinivasan Guru Pai GE Slaven Kincic Alex Ning PEAK 1/26/2018
Goal: help industry to better meet NERC compliance requirements More stochastic and dynamic behavior observed in today’s power grid Good model quality is critical for secure and economic planning and operation WECC policy and NERC standards requiring periodic model validation 2
Key Innovation of TIP352 project Sponsored by BPA TI and DOE Advanced Grid Modeling (AGM) program Gaps Not easy to prepare cases for model validation studies Link to PMU measurements Link to operational information Available calibration techniques are standalone tools, not integrated with validation function in commercial packages. Not easy for users We are developing a more integrated tool Directly use real-time EMS cases for validation Ease of use in creating archives of data needed for model validation/calibration, e.g., PMU data, EMS snapshots and calibrated parameters 3
Architecture Design of the Tool GE e-terraphasoranalytics platform GE PSLF EMS model and .dyd file PMU measurements Historical event data & time (optional) Model deficiency identified? Model performance & calibrated parameters Update WECC .dyd file Report model results Model prediction Check model & data quality Initialize power flow condition Perform play-back simulation Quantify model performance Measurement correction Model and Event Database Read PMU data Filter noise & outliers Identify event for data selection Start PSLF Data Pre-processing Create EMS cases and establish PMU locations for POI to power plants Prepare EMS cases & PMU location, and retrieve PMU data Yes No Create subsystem model with dyd file and playback signals Create subsystem and launch model validation Performance Reporting Parameter Calibration Model validation calibration Quality check PPMV (year 1) APIs (year 2) 4
Developed model validation & calibration procedures 5
Tools Developed So Far Software development E-terraphasoranalytics – new functions developed to link EMS, phasorpoint, dyd file, channels, etc., for system model validation and visualization GE PSLF EnKF algorithm implemented in source code for parameter calibration API developed to automatically generate subsystem models with boundary conditions PPMV Trajectory sensitivity function built into PPMV to assist bad parameter selection PNNL EnKF MATLAB script Full details of the EnKF algorithms Support a few stability models: Colstrip, NERC Hydro plant, etc. Sent to PacifiCorp, WSU for testing and feedback 6
Demonstration 1 – EPA For system model validation using GE’s e-terraphasoranalytics and PSLF 7
Demonstration 2 EnKF based model calibration function in GE PSLF 8
Publications Y. Li, R. Diao, R. Huang, J. Sanchez-Gasca, B. Thomas, P. Etingov, X. Li, Z. Huang, S. Wang, S. Kincic, A. Ning, M. Parashar, G. Pai, “An Innovative Software Tool Suite for Power Plant Model Validation and Parameter Calibration using PMU Measurements,” paper accepted for the 2017 IEEE PES General Meeting, Chicago, IL. R. Huang, R. Diao, Y. Li, J. Sanchez-Gasca, Z. Huang, B. Thomas, P. Etingov, S. Kincic, S. Wang, R. Fan, G. Matthews, D. Kosterev, S. Yang, "Calibrating Parameters of Power System Stability Models using Advanced Ensemble Kalman Filter," IEEE Transaction on Power Systems, under review 9
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