Chapter 1: Intro to Communications What is Communication?
Communication is a process Communication is represented through . Symbols - anything that stands for an idea and is used for communication.
Examples of symbols Take out a sheet of paper. Write your name, date, and class period at the top. Title the assignment, “The Meaning of Symbols”
Instructions Write down what the following symbols mean
What is this animal called? (you can be as specific as you want)
What is the item next to animal called?
What are the colors of the item next to the animal?
What is the stuff the animal is sitting on called
On the same sheet of paper, write down what the following words mean to you: Friend Cow Home Anger President
Ambiguous, Arbitrary, and Abstract Ambiguous - Symbols are not concrete; they change over time Arbitrary - Symbols do not have a standard; they change depending on the person Abstract - Symbols are not universal; they change from culture to culture Basically, symbols change over time, person to person, and from culture to culture
S.M.C.R.F. Source - The person or thing that the message Message - The message being sent Channel - How the is being sent Receiver - The person who the message Feedback - How the receiver to the message
Channels Communication can present itself in many forms. These can include: Verbal (Oral) Communication Written Communication Nonverbal Communication
Types of Communication Intrapersonal - Communication with one’s self (thinking) Interpersonal - Communication with one or two others Small Group - Communication with three to twenty people Public Communication - Communication with a large audience
Things that block communication Communication Barriers - Any that gets in the way of effective communication (sometimes referred to as “noise.”) Attitudinal Socio-Cultural Educational Environmental
Communication Barriers Attitudinal Barriers Definition: Letting your mental attitude prevent you from listening Cheesy Examples: “I hate math, so I’m just going to tune this out.” “I don’t like what you’re talking about, so I’m not going to listen.” “I already know what you’re saying, so I’m not going to listen.”
Communication Barriers Socio-Cultural Barriers Definition: Refusing to listen to someone because they are from a different of than you Examples: “I won’t listen to people of a different race than I am.” “She’s not the same religion as me; her opinion doesn’t matter.” “Paul hangs out with a different group of people than I do; what he says is pointless.”
Communication Barriers Educational Barriers Definition: What you or know affects your ability to listen “My teacher just used, like, 20 different words that I don’t know; how am I supposed to follow this…?”
Communication BArriers Environmental Barriers Definition: Allowing factors to affect your ability to listen to another’s message. Example: It’s hard to focus on what this slide is saying with this irritating red light in the background, isn’t it?