22+ Adult High School Diploma Program Stronger Together - Building Ohio's Economy 22+ Adult High School Diploma Program Kevin Williams – Assistant Director
Diploma Pathways for Adults 22+ Adult High School Diploma Program Adult Diploma Program There are currently over one million adults in Ohio without a high school diploma. The 22+ Adult High School Diploma Program is one of three pathway available to adults ages 22 and over to earn a high school diploma. 22+ Adult HSD (High School Diploma) Program Adult Diploma Program GED® (General Educational Development) Program The 22+ Adult HSD Program – Credit Recovery Focus for a Diploma The Adult Diploma Program – Industry Credential and Diploma The State of Ohio GED® (General Educational Development) Program The credential is an Ohio High School Equivalence Diploma that is earned through evidence of passing the GED tests. GED (General Educational Development) Program
Four Interdependent Processes Provider Application Student Application Four Interdependent Processes Panel Discussion will give a Provider perspectives on: 22+ Adult High School Diploma Program The Provider Application, The Student Application and The Payment Process Payment Process Student Validation
Statistics 14 Active Providers 45 Graduates $2.5 Million Line Item 3 - Community Colleges 1 - JVSD 10 - DOPR Community Schools 3 Community Colleges Columbus State Community College Lorain County Community College Stark State Community College Vanguard-Sentinel Career & Technology Centers 10 - DOPR Community School Ashland County Community Academy CASTLE (Cleveland Academy for Scholarship Technology and Leadership) Dohn Community High School Life Skills Center of Dayton London Academy Mahoning County HS Mahoning Unlimited Classroom Polly Fox Academy Community School Quaker Digital Academy (Online Provider) Townsend North Community School
Provider Application
Eligible Applicants Community school dropout prevention and recovery program City, local or exempted village school district Joint vocational school district There are 4 basic categories of educational entities eligible to apply to be approved as a 22+ Adult High School Diploma Provider: A charter school that operates a dropout prevention and recovery program which meets A city, local or exempted village school district that operates a dropout prevention and recovery program; A joint vocational school district that operates an adult program; or A community college, university branch, technical college or state community college. ( 11 submitted and 9 Approved and 8 enrolling students): Columbus State Community College - 120 Lorain County Community College - 243 Stark State Community College - 52 CASTLE (Cleveland Academy for Scholarship Technology and Leadership) - 142 Dohn Community High School -70 Life Skills Center of Dayton - 9 London Academy - 13 Mahoning County HS - 37 Polly Fox Academy Community School - 13 Quaker Digital Academy (Online Provider) - 92 Townsend North Community School - 5 Vanguard-Sentinel Career & Technology Centers 2 Community college
Access to the Adult Learner System Access is through your SAFE Account Select the Adult Learner for the Application and the Membership Requested Drop Down Boxes In the reason text box please define your entity (nonpublic school, public school, business owner, certificated professional, etc.) and your job title. Include information on the reason for requesting access to the Adult Learner Provider Application. Once entered and double check info, click the submit button. Provider SAFE Access (for data entry): Apply for SAFE account: https://safe.ode.state.oh.us/portal/* Have local OEDS administrator assign role of “HSD or ADP nominator” Log into SAFE and click “Request access to Adult Learner/Scholarship/CCIP” and select “Adult Learner” for application and “HSD Provider Applicant” for membership requested Provider SAFE Access (for invoicing approval): Have local OEDS administrator assign role of “ADP authorizer” Student SAFE Access (for enrollment confirmation and access to transcript/HSD) Apply for SAFE account: https://safe.ode.state.oh.us/portal/* (follow ODE instructions) Log into SAFE and click “Request access to Adult Learner/Scholarship/CCIP” and select “Adult Learner” for application and “Adult Learner” for membership requested *If a student or provider has an existing SAFE Account, skip Step 1.
Student Application
Student ApplicationTabs Student Information Application Graduation Requirements Student Success Plan Assessment Page Required Student Documents Status/Flags Comments/History
Payment System
Two Payment Options Option 1: 7 or fewer credits needed to graduate $600 or each course or assessment Option 1: 8 or more credits needed to graduate $714 or each course or assessment $800 for completing all courses and assessments $5000 Maximum per year. If student has 7 or less credits remaining to obtain a HSD: Automatically select payment option 1 - $600 for each course credit and/or OGT passed up to $4,200 in one year. $800 for successfully passing remaining courses and/or OGTs and earning a HSD. If student has 8 or more credits remaining to obtain a HSD: Automatically select payment option 2 - $714.28 for each course credit and/or OGT passed up to $5,000 in one year.
Resources Webinar videos and presentations may be accessed at education.ohio.gov. http://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Testing/Ohio-Options-for-Adult-Diploma/22-Adult-High-School-Diploma-Program 3 Webinars, an FAQ and 2 User manuals: The 1st webinar Provider Application The 2nd webinar Student Application The 3rd webinar Payment Process.
Program Contact Paul Preston Program Administrator 614-644-8396 paul.preston@education.ohio.gov
Social Media Ohio Families and Education Ohio Teachers’ Homeroom ohio-department-of-education storify.com/ohioEdDept @OHEducation @suptrichardross OhioEdDept