Gambling Licence Applications Planned updates to forms and payments This slide is one of the options for the cover. It includes the New Zealand Government logo. Choose one, and delete the rest, or use them as section titles.
Planned updates to forms and payments Move from Payment on Application to Payment on Invoice Send in application without payment An invoice will be calculated and sent for payment by DIA New Payment Options Direct Debit (only runs periodically) Direct Banking (online banking or e-cheque) Updated forms allow data entry Forms can be saved for reuse Applications can be emailed to DIA Choose the slides you want to use, and delete the rest.
Payments The new options require a change in the approach to payments and invoicing: No more self calculation of fees and prepayment by cheque When an application is received, the fees are calculated and an invoice will be raised. The invoice will be emailed to the applicant Payment can be made by direct debit, direct banking (e-cheque), or cheque When payment is cleared the application will be processed. Key points: Application number will be a reference number on each invoice or credit note. Estimated Time for confirmation of payment: Current 4-6 days depending on the time taken to clear the cheque. Future 3-5 days for direct banking and 5-7 days for cheque payments. Choose the slides you want to use, and delete the rest.
New Payment Options - Benefits No need for applicant to calculate fees and provide payment with application. Direct banking payment options are available Statements for applicants will include all related invoices and credits to make it easier for applicants to reconcile transactions Reduced errors and subsequent delays over payments Choose the slides you want to use, and delete the rest.
Application Forms Updates All PDF versions of the application forms will be updated to allow data to be entered directly. Forms can be: Printed and filled in manually (current) Filled in electronically and saved for reuse, then printed. Any printed forms can be signed and then be either: Posted Scanned and emailed Choose the slides you want to use, and delete the rest.
Editable Forms - Benefits The data in each application can be stored by the applicant for reuse. The data can be pasted into a new form if a new version is released. The form data is easier for DIA to read and process.
Demo Form Choose the slides you want to use, and delete the rest. On this slide, you can insert photos on the cork board. You can also move the blue pins around.
Demo Form Choose the slides you want to use, and delete the rest.
Questions? Choose the slides you want to use, and delete the rest. Pull quote slides can use Rockwell font.