Physical Conditioning Test selection and Administration
Rehab v Conditioning Rehab = 1 specific injury, with specific outcome Conditioning = improving the body as a whole, including flexibility, strength, and muscle and cardiovascular endurance So how does that change how conditioning programs are developed and written? Rehab v Conditioning
Just like you used HOPS to help design a rehab program, you need to get information before you start designing a conditioning program. Testing Body composition Flexibility testing Cardiovascular testing (Aerobic) Muscular strength (low-speed) Muscular power (high-speed) Local muscular endurance Speed Agility Starting point…
Body composition Relative portions (by weight) of fat and lean tissue Number of ways to measure this… Measured most accurately by hydrostatic weighing We will be using skinfold measurements… (We’ll come back to this) Body composition
Flexibility Testing Def. – Range of Motion about a body joint In order to test flexibility, you use a combination of multiple types of tests, at multiple joints. Ex. Sit and Reach Test, Functional Movement Screen® Flexibility Testing
Cardiovascular Endurance (Aerobic) Def. – maximum rate at which athlete can produce energy through use of energy resources (carbohydrates, fats, proteins) Usually measured as a volume of oxygen consumed per kg of body weight per minute Measuring this accurately requires expensive equipment, so it’s more commonly measured using tests such as a 1-mile run Cardiovascular Endurance (Aerobic) Cardiovascular (aerobic) capacity
Muscular Strength (low-speed) Def. – the force a muscle or muscle group can exert in one maximal effort Quantified by the 1-RM (maximum weight that can be lifted once) Usually uses a bench press (UE) and/or back squat (LE) Method: 1st attempt is performed with about 50% of estimated 1-RM Athlete then gets 1-5 minutes to rest and fully recover Most athletes can reach 1-RM in 3-5 attempts. Muscular Strength (low-speed)
Muscular Power (high-speed) Def. – ability of muscle to exert high force while contracting at high speeds Tests are very short duration, and maximal speeds Power clean, vertical jump Power output reflects both force and velocity Muscular Power (high-speed) Muscular Power (high-speed)
Local Muscular Endurance Def. – the ability of a muscle or muscle group to perform repeated contractions against a submaximal resistance Should be performed in continuous manner for longer time period without rest. Common tests are pull-ups, push-ups or squats (using % of 1-RM or body weight) Local Muscular Endurance Muscular Endurance
Speed Def. – movement distance per unit of time Tests usually kept under 200m to ensure focus is on body’s ability to move at maximal speed without aerobic/anaerobic factors influencing outcome Ex. 40 yd dash Speed
Def. – the ability to stop, start, and change direction of the body rapidly and in a controlled manner Best performed using electronic timing devices due to possibility of human error, but that’s not always possible. Tests might include “T”-Test, or Pro-Agility test Agility
Ok…back to body composition Skinfold calipers Ok…back to body composition
Body composition (cont’d) There are 8 different locations you can use to take skinfold measurements. Locations you use depend on male v female, and what formula you are going to use Men – Use: Triceps (fig 12.11d) , Chest (fig 12.11a) , and Subscapular (fig 12.11g) Women – Use: Triceps (fig 12.11d) , Suprailium (fig 12.11e), and Abdominal (fig 12.11c) Body composition (cont’d)
Body composition (cont’d) Formulas We will use two formulas to calculate % body fat. The first will give us body density, which we then need to convert to % body fat. Formula 1: Men: D= 1.1125025 – 0.0013125(x) + 0.0000055(x2) – 0.000244(y) Women: D= 1.089733 – 0.0009245(x) + 0.0000025(x2) – 0.0000979(y) Formula 2: %fat = (495/body density) - 450
Body Composition Example You measured Sydney with a skinfold caliper. Your results are as follows: Tricep – 16mm Suprailium – 18mm Abdominal – 25mm Please calculate her body density, and then her body fat % You then measured Chris with the skinfold caliper and got the following measurements: Tricep – 22mm Chest – 12mm Subscapular – 17mm What is Chris’ body fat %? Body Composition Example