Way of working Meeting on colour
Information for the trainer Goal Effective meetings Min-max # participants - Time: The length of a meeting Means Slides in this presentation 10/12/2018
Agenda in colours Sharing / informing Finding consensus Asking for help Looking for commitment Brainstorming Sharing knowledge Developing Thinking through policies / vision Determining targets Celebrate successes Determining progress Looking for opportunities Hier de cijfers invulen Setting agreements Determining of process Creating planning Dividing tasksen Taking decisions Setting priorities Calculating risks Bonding Creating trust Outline history 10/12/2018
My task in a meeting Did everyone has a say? Did we really listen to each other? What were the non-verbal signals? Did we think things through enough and ask the ‘why-question? What can we learn from this? What is the goal? What is important? What opportunities do we see? Do we have enough flexibility and pragmatism? Do we stick to the agenda? To the timings? What do we agree upon? Do we take decisions? Speed? Focus? Enforcement? Do we trust each other? DO we dare to share things? Does it feel good? Is it connected to the current situation? 10/12/2018
My task Yellow Why do we take a decision? Did we look at every option? What is the theme or headline? What will be the impact to the future. What is our vision? Does it fit in that vision? Did we think things through enough, also out of the box? Did we stay on the obvious path or did we try to think of moving in different ways? Which connections can be made? First think than act. Are we self critical enough? Is there an eye for renewal? 10/12/2018
My task Green Did we let the others finish their talk? Did we really listen, did we summarize, probe questions? What does the non-verbal communication tell us? How does it feel? Was it a 2-way communication or was it only ‘sending’? Did we involve the right people? Did we discuss communication, how will we communicate our decisions? Did we communicate the information to the right people? How do other feel about it? Did we take each others feelings into account? (or do we only pay attention to the facts) 10/12/2018
My task Red Did we make choices; what to do and what NOT. When we decide we will do it, what will we not do? What do we say goodbye to? What are the risks, which risks do we take? How urgent is it, why don’t we do it NOW? Did we express ourselves? Did we enforce the agreements? Did we address each other on this? (give feedback). Are we to the point! Didn’t we take too many words? Did we take a stand? Did we show enough perseverance? 10/12/2018
My task Blue Do we have an agenda and do we follow this Is the agenda realistic and do we follow that through? How will we execute on taken decisions, are we getting concrete enough? What are the steps to take and are we predictable? Are roles, tasks and responsibilities clear? Concrete: what did we agree upon. Is it SMART? What are the determined deadlines What is het process, what is the concrete plan? Which rules are applied here? Does it match with other agreements, is it consistent 10/12/2018
My task Orange What is the goal? Do we see opportunities and chances? Which milestone is accomplished? What cold be better? Which priority do we give to this? Are we flexible Which result will be accomplished? Do we celebrate successes Do we distinguish ourselves enough? Do we take ‘short-cuts’. Who is our customer? For whom do we do it? 10/12/2018
My task Purple Do we dare to show our vulnerability Is there trust Did we take the current situation into account What is our mission? What binds us? Do we evolve the existing situation (or do we invent the wheel over and over again) How and why are things the way they are? Do we sense how things should to go here? Which traditions do we have and do we take them into account enough? How should things grow when they would evolve organically? Does it fit within our culture and the unwritten rules? 10/12/2018