Casablanca 1942
What Makes for an Amazing Film? 1. Was it thoughtfully created? Original? 2. Did the film move your emotions? Was it memorable? 3. Did the film have something important and original to say?
5 Star Rating How would you rate our last movie? 5 Star- One of the best films (4) 4 Star- Very Good film worth watching again (23) 3 Star- Okay (0) 2 Star- Poor movie- not engaging (1) 1 Star- One of the worst films I’ve seen (0)
World War Two
North Africa
Humphrey Bogart
Ingrid bergman
Behind the scenes
Awards/Legacy Nominated for 8 Academy awards Rated 2nd greatest film of all time by the American film institute Number one rated romance Most quoted film of all time Considered by ebert to be the most loved film of all time