Using the Nail Care Website
What is it for ? To raise awareness of our brand To advertise Nail Care services to potential clients (useful postcode search) To allow you easy access to information and marketing materials To provide potential Nail Carers and employers with information and contacts
What does it cost? Free to Nail Carers and potential clients Paid for by Birmingham CCGs (Commissioners) Maintained by Podiatry Created by ieCreative Birmingham based software firm Logo designed by BMet student
How Can I Join? Need: BMet Nail Care Qualification, DBS (transferable), Insurance, signed Contract of Standards, Price list (optional) (Don’t need to be in Birmingham) Contact Mandy Cadge : Who will send you the website form and guide you through it
Top half….
Bottom half….
Brief demo on accessing the website: “Front end” is what the planet sees found at “Back end” is what only you can access found at Need username and password to log on
What can I do once logged in? Update your details – change address, telephone numbers Upload new price lists Download personalised flyers and posters Download copies of all the relevant paperwork
I’m interested, what do I do next? Contact Mandy Cadge Or via the helpline: 07952356305 If you’re unsure, book a 1:1 and a demo…