AY11 Status Brief Good morning/afternoon. Thank you for joining us today. I am ________________, from the Coast Guard Personnel Service Center, and I am the host of today’s presentation. Currently, I serve as __________________ in the Reserve Status Branch of the Reserve Personnel Management Division. As your host/hostess, I plan to take about 45 minutes to interact with you through a formal presentation on the world of work within Reserve Personnel Management division related to the Assignments Process. . 1
Overview Reserve Program Management Reserve Component Overview Reserve Component Standards Lateral Changes & ERAA Process Retirement – Ret-1 vs. Ret -2 Waivers Important Tips Q & A
RPM Overview RPM-1 (1st Step entering into the Reserve) RPM-2 RPM-3 Reserve Component Categories OES Boards & Panels RPM-2 Assignments RPM-3 IRR members VA Educational Benefits Medical Waivers / Boards www.uscg.mil/rpm Unclassified Information Brief
RPM-1 Reserve Officers www.uscg.mil/rpm RPM-1 LCDR Scott Toves Officer Status LT Andrew Younkle Component Changes Waivers OES Manager Assist Status LTJG Dana Pieper OERs Endorsed Comms Promotion Boards Coordinator Todd Remusat Boards Panel Coordinator CWO Assignments CWO Thompson-Yancey War/Staff, etc. Panels Register of Officers Ms. Rose Lord OPAL www.uscg.mil/rpm
CG Reserve Ready Reserve Standby Reserve Retired Reserve Selected Reserve (SELRES) Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) Standby Reserve Active Status (ASL) Inactive Status (ISL) Retired Reserve Ret-1 (Getting the $$$) Ret-2 (20 yr letter waiting for $$$) Physical Disabilities Retirees There is a new form on our website under RCC (reserve component category) which walks you through the process and references the RPM for qualifying factors of each category. IRR – you must meet or have completed your Military Service Obligation Ret-1 - 1. you completed 20 or more yrs of satisfactory service 2. you’re 60yrs or less if you qualify for early Ret-1 which means for every 90days (cumulative) of Active Duty preformed in any Fiscal Year since Jan 28,2008 they may receive 90day increments subtracted from 60th B-day. So for instance if a member was on AD since then the most they could accrue is 900 days (approximately 2.5 yrs) Ret-2 you’ve completed 20ys satisfactory and you’ve turned in your CG-2055a and you are waiting until your 60yrs.
SELRES Standards Attend 90% of scheduled, authorized paid IDT drills Satisfy Annual Training (AT) requirements Respond to official correspondence (ex: ASQ) Maintain physical fitness, weight standards, and uniforms Officers must maintain minimum of 50 points in an anniversary year to remain in an active status RPM Chap 4.A – Participation Standards – Officers 10.USC 12642 if you do not accrue your 50pts you may be removed from an active status. Enlisted – RPM Chap 4.B.2.a.3 you may be discharged (honorable) for unsatisfactory participation and if you have not fulfilled your Montgomery GI Bill six year obligation and you received benefits the command can initiate action to recoup funds per COMDTINST 1001.30
IRR Standards Answer official correspondence (ex: ASQ) Maintain physical fitness, weight standards, and uniforms Voluntarily participate in IDT or ADT for additional retirement points but no pay May perform ADOS or RMP for pay Retirement qualified, must accrue 50 points each Anniversary Year While in the IRR you are still required to earn your 50pts to maintain a satisfactory year. Also you may not receive Tri-Care benefits
Standby Reserve Standards ASL May participate in reserve training activities without pay, may earn retirement points, and are eligible for promotion ISL May not go before a board or be promoted Are not eligible to accrue retirement pts In order to be transferred to the ASL / ISL a RCC form found on the rpm-1 website but you must qualify pleaser refer to RPM Chap 5.B.3 ASL – Active Status List – may earn retirement points and are eligible for selection – however cannot be in the ASL for more than 2yrs. Qualifying factors – hardship, key federal employee, theology student, commissioned officers who have more than 18yrs but less than 20 ISL – inactive status list- may not train for pay or retirement points, not eligible for promotion, and do not accrue credit for qualifying service. In the Standby Reserves GI Bill benefits are SUSPENDED
Lateral Changes Updated form… www.uscg.mil/rpm This form will be filled out by the member Routed through Chain of Command Sent to Current Rating Force Master Chief Sent to New Rating Force Master Chief Submitted to PSC-rpm to review and assign A School if necessary We started this process because of the SELRES strength requirements and members should be aware that you may be required to completed your tour at current assignment or if there’s not a billet for their new desired rate at your current duty station you will need to work with the assignment officer to be relocated. Some critical billets you will be relocated to fulfill the needs of the CG.
ERAA Process CGHQ- 12A provides the numerical data for monthly advancements. RPM-1 input in DA after checking how many personnel remain on the list RPM-1 forwards data to PPC PPC provides by-name list RPM approves and releases msg
Ret 1 vs. Ret 2 Ret – 1 – retired receiving pay Early ret -1 greater than 90days of active duty during any fiscal year since 28 Jan 2008 90 day increments of AD will be subtracted from 60th b-day CG 2055a - 45 days Ret -2 – retired awaiting pay until age 60yrs Must have 20yr letter CG 2055a needs to be completed 90days prior to Ret-2 request date These are only processed to start on the 1st day of the month
WAIVERS 16-18yrs 30 year Initiated by member’s command Sent to RPM Considerations: funding and FTE Cap manager Recommendation sent to CG-131 CG-131 ultimate decision maker Initiated by member’s command Sent to RPM Considerations: by this member staying is it affecting another member from obtaining a billet who does not have 30yrs Final Decision -RPM 18 years have to have FTE Cap manager approval
Important Tips for Reservists Ensure your contact information is up to date in Direct Access, including best e-mail Regularly read message traffic at www.uscg.mil/reserve Ensure your point statements are correct- this affects your Retirement Pay and when you can retire! Reserve Officer Resumes to the IDPL Boards are NO Longer required for Reserve Officers boards the ESS in CGBI is now used. Your point statements are now available in DA – Admin Workforce / Admin Workforce GBL / Inquire
Thank you for your time & Have a great Coast Guard Day! Q & A Thank you for your time & Have a great Coast Guard Day! If you have personal concerns you may address them with me afterwards or please copy down the phone numbers on the next slide and feel free to contact us!
RPM Contact Information http://www.uscg.mil/rpm Reserve Officer Promotions: (202) 493-1728 Reserve Officer Status: (202) 493-1721 Register of Reserve Officers: (202) 493-1770 Reserve OES : (202) 493-1708 Reserve Assignments Admin:(202) 493-1794 Reserve Personnel Services: (202)493-1761 Here’s are contact info …